Let me tell you a tale.

Once there was an island with a lot of trees and a great deal of highly cultured people. The people lived quite comfortably and were exclent craftsmen, carving superb statues out of trees. But slowly they cut away more and more of the forest until they had cut the last tree down. All the people had relied on the...
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personally I'd punch them back, and kick them in the ribs. I got the Enslaved DVD yesterday, fucking awesome! skull
on the bright side: psycroptic has a track off their new album for download - it kills like Lee Harvey Oswald.

|m|/ |m|/

[Edited on Dec 11, 2005 5:15PM]

[Edited on Dec 11, 2005 5:16PM]
Gorgoroth/1349 was a blast (literally), full rambelings here
On a related note what the fuck is up with bands banning people from taking pictures of them?!

Uni is destroying my will to live but amazingly I think I can get everything done and on time toosmile Although currently I'm applying to do a Masters in Biodiversity and Conservation at my current uni (10% off fees...
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Oh God, don't tell me that black metal has gotten so self-contradictory and stupid that they are banning pictures. God, I quit metal.

Ok, I don't.
Dude, a new Katatonia mp3 sample is on the web. Have you heard it yet? Sounds like good stuff awaits.
Woohoo! The internet is fixed. It turned out that the highspeed cable had broken inside the casing, so no-one noticed it until a BT engineer came over this morning to fix at something for a neighbour...

The weekned was a massive stress, my housemates had a halloween party. I avoid our house parties like the plague purely because of the drama that tends to go...
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thanks for droppin in, can't go wrong with Metal!!! or 70/80's prog for that matter...

im so jealous you are seeing gorgoroth! good bands like that never come around here dammit mad anyways, the finnish/dutch/eastern european metal scene is pretty big around here... suprisingly enough, being in such a small town biggrin
Technology hates me frown The Internet is dead, my printer is dead and my lab practical on monday was a disaster... well very very annoying...

Miss everyone on here hope you're all doing well smile
Yeah I really like Aborted and Grave. I saw Dew-Scented once before, cant remember who they were supporting. I will try and get online next week so we can swap some more stuff, glad you like the shape of despair, bredoteau will find it funny how many people I am converting to despair biggrin
I wish I was getting to see Gorgoroth and 1349, I have the new 1349 Hellfire and its good to listen too, that should be a good show. Id quite like to see that Anaal Nathrakh show, do you think it'll be a good show, Ive seen one of the other bands playing before.
"There will come a time we said, but Time only goes"
Cadaverous Condition: Time

It's been one of thse weeks, not a bad week but one filled with little irritations, the internet's been going on and off at random, I got up early on Thursday, walked an hour to uni and then found my lecture was cancelled... you get the general picture. Nothing truely catastrophic,...
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Yeah, that panda is new to the zoo here in DC. He just got named (they wait 100 days, per Chinese custom). I'm gonna go see him asap, but right now his mother pulls him back whenever he gets a little bit away from her.

And yeah, cool, I'll add you to my AIM. It'd be cool to trade some stuff.
The day I've been dreading has finally arrived... I finally rand out of room on my shelves for my CD collection, I've hastily constructed a new one from Photocopier boxes and now have a big gap where I've moved stuff...

Anyway onto more... important/relevnt/not stupid issues: Arcturus Yesterday biggrin That was absolutely spectacular in every way, I've written a really (scarily) detailed account
here along with...
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Black and white is a bit of a staple for metalheads, don't you think?

It would be awesome to get to Inferno, but I think boyfriend and I are thinking of getting to Wacken next year. I'm hping that happens!

p.s. Seeing the clearer photo of you... yes, you seem to look a lot like Matt. He, too, has a thing with black and white.

,,, yes, I realize I speak of him quite often blush

[Edited on Oct 12, 2005 10:23AM]
Surprised you haven't heard Dead Can Dance! You really must--soon. If you use AIM, feel free to contact me on there, and I'll send you the 5 albums I have. s/n = Bredoteau2

I got the new Ulver yesterday. God damn, Krys just keeps getting weirder and weirder. But it's really good. A challenging listen.
Nothing exciting to say apart from seeing Decapitated yesterday biggrin Pictures/report here (below Opeth)

Starting lectures again tomorrow , although I'm not sure when one of them is...

Oh and I've been attempting to lern how to play the piano again, it's a bit easier this time because I have more patience with myself.
Yes, I am here to discuss doom, and will be for a good while! Yeah, I must say, along with AnnaLee, I think your taste in metal is the closest to mine of anyone I've met on here. Cool shit.

And, enjoy ARCTURUS! I'm jealous beyond comprehension. Oh, and I'm also jealous beyond comprehension that you'll be meeting AnnaLee.
Well, I had hoped to be able to regail you all with tidbits about my last week or so, but alas, the worst possible event happened this morning. My Guneia pig Button died in my arms at the vets of a respiritory illness, she was 5 and 3/4. I knew her litterally all her life, he mother was my first Guneia pig Ariel who was...
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My friend, you really need to hear The Silent Enigma, by Anathema, ASAP! It is a true masterpiece. There is something about a band being able to create atmosphere with the guitar primarily (as opposed to relying on lush keys). Fucking brilliant.
I am listening to Discouraged Ones right now. Honestly, I like everything they've ever done--even back to the demo (though I haven't heard that one in a long time!).

You're absolutely right: they keep growing. It's the mark of a truly great band: to evolve and continually put out quality material. As a counter, does a new In Flames album promise anything different from its predecessor? Doubt it.

Otherwise and aside, I don't think that Viva Emptiness is their best, like a lot of people feel. To me they concentrated too much on making it heavy, which ended in them ultimately negelecting the melodic brilliance! Said brilliance is why I love LFDGD: it's simply hard to get those songs out of your head. And when LFDGD came out, Blakkheim said something indicative of the maturation we are talking about: "Rock people are going to call us metal and metal people are going to call us rock."

Can't wait to hear the one they just recorded!
Hello allsmile

I've been with my better half in Rotherham for the last few days for her exam results. She got:
E in Art
C in Geography
Double C in Science
B in Maths
A in English Lit.
A in English Language
A in Business
A in Religious Studies
A* in Spanish

So She's happysmile

I'm back in London for a week as of tomorrow...
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Oh I could have sent you the tracks, I have it. Congratulations to your clever girl! Hopefully you will do well in your exams, I hate those things too. Russian ark is subbed but you barely notice because it is so mesmerising visually. Thats better anyway I think. Yes quails are the best, have you heard the funny call of chinese painted quails? Its so cute smile
Good luck with the exams. I'm going to see Napalm Death with Obituary in a week, looking forward to that one! biggrin
Hello allsmile My Dissertation is going ok, I've caught about 100-120 bees but unfortunately they've only been of 6 genera which doesn't make my results very detailed, but hopefully a well written conclusion will make up for itsmile

I did lyrics for 2 songs.

...thats pretty much everything thats happend in that last 20 days. My other half gets her exam results on Thursday, she's...
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Cool. I'll bear that in mind! kiss
Chose the insects, that will be amazing. I love them. Yes this moth was not the smartest!
Once again this is an update for the sake of updating. I haven't had any work since last I updated, I still haven't started my dissertation reserch and aside from my anniversary with my girlfriend (which was lovely and very cutesy) nothing much to talk about.

well apart from 13th Day which was a blast (Pictures here) but unfortunately my dad's digi-cam was...
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Loooads of bands!
Primordial stick in my mind... and Sentenced.. and Obituary ..and Dissection.
Within Temptation played quite a bit of old stuff .. so they were cool too!

I see you saw Finntroll.. I really wanted to see them at wacken .. but didn't frown
That was another time I missed them! .. I think I forgot what day it was and didn't realise till it was too late!
Vech. I feel like ranting... but I have nothing to rant about... so I'll resort to rambaling instead.

Well I got a job, working for the postal service no less, its boring and repetative but the pay's superb and I can wear what I like (Indeed I just got back from work so excuse me if this is poorly typed).

In between working (which hans't...
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Thats a pity you cant afford to go to Wacken, we could have met up. There are so many good bands!
Yeah I made it in photoshop, I could make you into Breath of Fire 3 Warrior Dragon! I love doing that kind of stuff biggrin