Holy moly! It is HOT today. 23dC and just a mild breeeeeze. Hard to imagine that just two weeks ago you could wear a leather jacket and scarf and still be cold. I even had to take my sleeveless tee off biking down to the station, honouring the locals with my pale white visage. Hopefully, since I work outdoors nowadays, it will soon aquire a...
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Return with your fangs and your claws, handsome kitten, to my ever loving heart. And I'll return to your eyes where I found those gems that won me from the start...

Crap. Love sucks...
Lager, lager, lager... Up all night, drink and fight, workworkwork at first light, and inspite, I do grrreat!! I rule! I am NIGHTMAN, I need no sleep!! biggrin biggrin
FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!!!!... Yeah... That's what I wanna do. Ok! So now you know. Tough shit for me that I won't be doing none of that for like FOREVVA' scince I have to be in fucking love and only want to do it with one person who happens not to be interested in me in that way anymore. And I can't go around having sex...
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So, here I go again. Nothing to do at work and access to SG.com on my job computer. Add music and snacks and it just could not get any better. And if I got to decide I'd stop the boss from popping up behind me all of the time as well. I get the feeling he's not in to alternative girls with tattoos and piercings....
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...There's always the old evade and avoid trick of course. But that is hardly the way of a gentleman. But then again, if you do the right thing and are a gentleman and tell the lady in question that your psyche is simply not able to control your body in such tempting situations of the fysical nature, then you prove yourself to be just what...
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How come this combination; alcohol, fun, "oh and you're a girl too?" always makes for such problems in your sociallife afterwards??

Well, it can't be my fault. I can't help that you guys are all so damn pretty... But then again, I guess I could stop being so bloody charming... wink kiss
Oh dear, oh dear, I need to have a beer. My job is dull, the weather's cold and my mates they are not here...

Or I try not to rhyme and just shoot myself in the leg. confused
Aargh... I find it somewhat curious that everytime I log on to this site I find myself wanting either to become a heavily promiscuous lesbian or to get married. You people are just to adorable.

Feels like one would fight better odds if one would sport titties and knickers.

Lesbian Bigamy, yes?
Might as well do away with the marriage part. wink
lesbian bigamy

Lets married kiss
How am I ever going to get poular if I don't even get how to use this site. confused Apparently one of you lovely ladies wrote me a comment under testimonials and I didn't even see It 'til almost two months later. Such a shame. And she was real pretty(!) too. I guess I have to take on the heavy task of getting myself to a...
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I think you'll manage somehow. wink
Man lr sig eftersom, det r inte s svrt smile
God, just read my profile. I sound like a total wanker. Wierd. I tend to think I'm rather a dashing kinda fella.
Well, you look dashing. kiss