so I don't understand what the deal is with The Hold Steady. People are always talking about how great their album is, quoting them all the time, writing about them on blogs, etc etc. I've given them a chance, listened to songs, but I just don't like them.

For one, singer Craig Finn crams in so many words to the songs and I don't...
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so i just discovered this, the 1/2 Hour News Hour. Apparently it's Fox News' version of The Daily Show and the Colbert Report, a jokey fake news show. It just sounds terrible, and the reviews are hilarious: a conservative blog said it "may be the least edgy show made since Leave it to Beaver," a paper said "Their ad contains this line: 'They report....
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so i've heard some pretty cool new bands recently -

the Broken West are a pretty fuzzy, sunny, happy indie group - kind of like Ben Kweller, Teenage Fanclub, and the rockier parts of Belle and Sebastian's new stuff. Lots of punchy piano and ooh-oohs.


Illinois are harder to describe, they're pretty diverse from track to track - Broken Social Scene on one, Neutral...
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Thanks for the email. I collect on defaulted student loans.

I was just speaking to someone the romanticism of cartography. How long have you done it?
I like that idea...no taxes for those who work for the gov. Lets start a petition.
so I guess I keep writing about politics on here. But I don't get why so many people hate Hillary Clinton. I think she's alright, but other than being liberal, what's there to hate? How is she worse than any other fairly moderate Democrat who's running for prez? I don't get it.
hi new friend!
hello yourself!
So I live in DC and am somewhat into politics. The other day on C-SPAN, the House was debating about giving DC a vote in Congress - currently, it has none. Texas Republican Louie Gohmert made the argument that DC doesn't need a voting member, because all of the 435 members represent the District.

He said "I would submit to you that Washington, D.C. is...
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I do agree with the man you are against to an extent. I just don't currently see why DC would need a vote. That seems unfair.

I too- an interested in politics. I would vote nay on the DC vote given only the facts you have supplied me with to this point.

kiss political discussions get me hot
haha, so Santa Fe shouldn't have any representation either because it's the capitol of New Mexico - every New Mexico congressman represents it! No Congressman knows anything about DC beyond Capitol Hill. There are 600,000 people in this city and nobody votes for them. What about no taxation without representation? the slogan from the revolutionary war! if we don't have a vote in Congress, why should we pay taxes? We didn't have an opportunity to say if we agreed with or disagreed with the federal budget, so why fund it?

The real reason Republicans are against DC getting a vote is that the seat would always be Democrat.

this stuff gets me fired up too, as you can tell
so i don't use this blog much. but i have junior boys' "in the morning stuck" in my head. check it out - myspace.com/juniorboys
i just saw the funniest movie, "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid" with Steve Martin. it's in black and white and he's a private eye, and they splice him into other old movies with Humphrey Bogart, Bette Davis etc. some very funny lines, i recommed it highly
so i wonder what the deal is with those swallow tattoos down in the pelvis area. does anybody know? i've also seen them on the shoulders.

por ejemplo:
Well I know that sparrows have tons of meaning:

parrows have many different meanings.
Here are some of the meanings.

1) A singing sparrow symbolizes Freedom.

2) Finding your true love.

3) Certain ppl bealive they ward off evil.

4) A safe journey and a safe return.

5) Eternity.

6) Luck.

7) Innocence.

8) Travelling great distances but always returning home.

9) The tat may have a religious significance. See Matthew 10:29. Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.

huh, interesting. i did not know that.
so I am going to move in July to my pal's place in another neighborhood in DC. However, it's 2 bedrooms so I'll need another roommate. I think it would funny to pick the roommate with a reality TV show: "Who Wants to Be My Roommate?" There would be challenges like who can play the most video games, who can carry the most beer home...
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i remember you now...you don't update very much do you?
eh not a bad thing..
i mostly update for myself though
are you implying my updates are boring! i kid. i usually write on my other blog rather than here. i do peruse other people's journals tho
so i guess i like catholic girls. i was thinking about this - of the girls i've known, a pretty small percentage are catholic - maybe a 1/4, if not less. however, of the girls i've gotten with, more than 3/4 are catholic. it's weird, they're very over-represented. and i was talking to some pals, they have about the same experience. i guess catholic girls...
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