While searching for a misplaced thought I could not find
I found myself at a strange unopened window in my mind
Like through the looking glass this window to another land
Reflecting an image of savagery too cruel for me to stand
Fear I now this new found darkness hiding inside of me
Safely locked away yet I know not...
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thanks for coment my set i appreciate it kiss
Hey! Cheers for your comment on my set, It's good to get Aussie support smile
Truth is a Tear

Truth is a tear for it is the same from all sides
And when shed, our face, most of us hides
Given in sorrow we wish not to share its release
To cry in surprise then they are an act of peace
Laughter with tears a tribute to pleasure renowned
But to often alone shedding our tears are we found
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Hi new friend !! Thx for he add !!! eeek ... I'm drunk ATM i'ts very hard for me to write something corect

Bathed in the light of my own conscious thought
That is where my battle for good and evil will be fought
The beast that roams the boundaries of the dark
Will challenge me in hopes of smothering my faiths spark
Then innocence would no longer have meaning or reason
No definition of youth, no changing of the season
But by force of...
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where's this from...i like it.

On a gold chain it hangs, suspended between heaven and hell
The pretty pendant I have come to know oh so well
Set into motion it swings from side to side, to and fro
And as my eyes follow its progress into a deep sleep I go
Into the depths of myself and beyond I seem to be falling
Trying to answer a distant...
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i like the part in the first line "suspended between heaven and hell." like it holds your fate. very beautiful

At the boundary of darkness where day meets night
Stands the gateway to the visions of dreams sight
Slumber the key for this portal to the dream plain
Yet an inverted reflection of realities bitter game
Like the touch of silken darkness upon the skin
One must forgo consciousness if one wishes to go in
Your feelings are forfeited, emotions a game...
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I like that... Did you write it?
i was reading and i liked it so i posted it

I never thought my time would run out
Never felt the need to yell and shout
But the walls kept moving in on me
Was it the end or the start of my destiny
I was told life had a role for me to play
But in the game of life I couldn't stay
I dared to color outside the lines
I couldn't...
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Thanks for the add! biggrin
As the light of day surrenders to the dark of night
An eerie silence settles separating night from day
The shadows thicken into a pool of pitch-blackness
And the beast in all men roams forth
Most are lost in a closed eye state of slumber
Others are trapped in the horror of self-made nightmare
But I float on the waves that mark...
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How Did You Die?

Did you tackle that trouble that came your way
With a resolute heart and cheerful?
Or hide your face from the light of day
With a craven soul and fearful?
Oh, a troubles a ton, or a troubles an ounce,
Or a trouble is what you make it.
And it isnt the fact that youre hurt that counts,
But only how...
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Should Dan Hocking in Australia Write on His Chest at Faith No More so His Friend in Canada Can Pick Him Out of a Crowd?

  • Hell Yes! In THICK, black, permanent marker and with BIG letters "HIGH DARLA!"

  • Why bother? He'll sweat all marker off before the show even starts!

  • Dan shouldn't just stop at writing "Hi" on his chest; did I hear someone say MONKEY SUIT? !!!


Don't wait for some distant day to come,
it may be too late before you've even begun.
Not everyone will agree with all you decide.
If You Have a Dream

Be true to yourself first and foremost.
The only important thing in life is what you do
with the time you spend here on earth.
Don't be afraid to follow...
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The silence of the night
sends shivers down my spine.
I have you where I want you,
and so tonight, you are mine.
I have you tied up to my bed,
in knots that wont come loose,
I sit upon my chair watching for when you will come to.
I watch you wake up slowly andknow that your confused
I see you test...
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Hello my new friend smile
Did you write that poem? It is amazing! So raw and the emotion is so dark and real...love it!
You might like this story. It was written by Micamars who is no longer active on this, but hopefully will be back soon. I got a kick out of this story.

"It's a beautiful spring day, the sun is shining with a few clouds in the sky. You decide to leave the computer for a while and go for a walk in the nearby park.

The breeze feels warm as it blows across your skin, rustling your skirt. You are walking for a little while when a light rain begins to fall. It's warm as it lands on your skin, it smells fresh like spring.

You are walking along and hear a twig break behind you. You turn and see a man standing there, he is wearing jeans, work boots, and a hoodie pulled up hiding the upper part of his face in shadow. You notice he is holding a hunting knife in his hand. The stranger smiles.

You turn and start to run, but the man is fast and grabs your hair from behind and throws you to the ground. You roll over and look up at him standing over you. You start to edge away from him on your back.

The man takes a step towards and you kick out, hitting him in his left knee, he stumbles and you jump to your feet and start running again.

You run for a couple of minutes, you can hear the man getting closer, his breathing getting louder, when your foot lands wrong and you stumble.

The man reaches down and gets a fistfull of your hair. He lifts you up and whispers in your ear "If your a good girl, I won't hurt you." The man pushes you back and rolls you on your back. You can see his cock pushing against the front of his jeans and he is breathing heavy from running.

The rain is still falling, but the sun is also shining. The raindrops are falling like jewels and striking your skin, which is hot from your running and fear.

The man sits on your pelvis and puts his hand on your throat, his grip is firm, you can feel your throat constricted a little, making it harder to catch your breath, you are feeling a little light headed.

The man leans down and kisses your cheek, he lays the blade of the knife on your other cheek. The blade is cold and hard. He gently strokes your cheek with the blade while he kisses your neck.

You shiver, you don't know if it's fear or excitement. His hands are strong, but he's not hurting you. You can feel the mans lips smiling as he kisses your neck and shoulder. He tells you that you are being a very good girl.

The man sits up and you see him hold the knife in his hand the blade pointing up. He lets the point of the knife drop down towards your rapidly beating heart. He grabs the front of your dress at the neck and pulls it up, and slowly starts to cut your dress down the front.

The knife cuts the fabric effortlessly, making a very quiet ripping sound. He lifts his leg up and over you so he is kneeling beside you and completes the cut. He pulls your dress apart. He turns his knife around in his hand with the blade facing up. and cuts your bra right in the middle, exposing your breasts to the sun and rain.

The man reverses the knife again and you can feel the cold steel on the back of the knife against your leg as the man slides it under your panties and cuts through the right side. He leans over and does the same on your left, then grabs them and pulls them off you.

You try and cover yourself, your right arm across your breasts and you left hand trying to cover your pussy. The man pushes your legs apart and moves your hand out of the way. He looks at you and says "I want to taste you." The man lowers his mouth to your pussy and you can feel his mouth sucking on your clit. An involuntary moan escapes your lips at the pleasure you feel from his tongue and mouth.

The man is still holding the knife in his right hand, which he is using to hold you legs apart. You can feel the cold steel pressing against your skin. You arch your back and grind your pussy into his face. The man looks up at you and says "you like that, don't you? You dirty girl." You feel your body shudder as you build towards a climax. A little cry escapes your lips and your body convulses with an explosive orgasm.

The man rises up and wipes off his mouth and chin. The man pulls off his hoodie, you can see he has shaggy brown hair and icy blue eyes. He has a muscular chest and arms with a cross tattooed on his right shoulder.

The man is looking down at you smiling while he starts to unbutton his pants. Another shudder passes through your body, you feel dirty because you know it was in anticipation of what is to come. You don't even try to escape, you look away so he doesn't see the hunger in your eyes.

The man pulls his jeans down and you see his thick erect cock swing towards you when he pulls them down past it. It's not terribly long, maybe seven or eight inches, but it's thick with a large head.

The man crawls forward and jabs his knife into the ground near your head. The man leans down to kiss you and you turn your head, not wanting to fully succumb to him. You can feel his cock brushing against the inside of your thigh. The man leans down and kisses your neck instead.

The man reaches down between you and grabs his cock. You can feel him rubbing the head of his cock against your clit. You arch your back in involuntary pleasure. The man teases your pussy with his cock, just rubbing his head against it, smiling down at you. Your eyes are closed and your lips are parted, your breathing is coming in short little gasps.

You are raising your hips towards his, your body wanting what your mind doesn't. Finally, he lowers his hips just a bit and you feel the head of his cock pushing against the entry to your pussy. The man smiles down at you as he slowly slides his cock in all the way. A moan escapes your lips and you wrap your legs around his waist.

The man starts to pump his cock in and out of your pussy. His pelvis is rubbing against your clit as he strokes his cock in your pussy. Each stroke sending shivers through your body, his cock fills you up with each thrust and then leaves you empty every times he pulls out for his next plunge.

You can see the muscles in the mans chest and arms flexing, and you can feel his thrusts quickening, your body is almost vibrating with ecstacy, you let out a little scream as you have yet another orgasm.

The man is hunching his back and thrusting harder and faster, your whole body feels like it is being pounded into the ground. Your body feels like it is on fire, you are locked in an almost constant orgasm. Your body and the man's are slicked with rain and sweat. He lowers himself down and wraps his arm around you and his thrusts are coming so fast now, like the piston of an engine. Finally you feel his cock swell even further and he explodes inside you. His arms tighten around you, you can hardly breath.

The man lays on top of you panting for a couple of minutes. He slowly raises himself back up on his hands. He looks down at you and says "you were a very good girl."

He pulls his knife out of the ground and starts to get dressed. He pulls his pants up and pulls his hoodie back on. He reaches into a pack and pulls out a dress. He says "I brought this just in case babe, you know how rough our sessions can be." You smile up and him and shiver in pleasure at another wonderful walk in the park with your lover."

There's a hole in my heart
not a very big one...
but enough
When I am with someone who cares
the emotion spreads to me
and fills me with joy
with love
and with peace
making me feel
like a whole person again
For awhile,
my heart overflows with the passion for living
that the encounter has created...
but then
the emotion drains...
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I know that is my llife you are writing about...I start out so involved in anything and slowly but surely it trickles away!! so that explains it "there is a hole in my heart"