Where is this sun coming from? It's great!
I made friends with a massive black and white dog this morning, he was trotting about my street, quite happy with himself so i whistled him over and we hung out foir a bit. I called him Puppy McPuppersons biggrin
Things are pretty shite round here at El Momento but i hope they pick up soon *fingers crossed*...
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a dance-off you say? good idea, but you don't need to practice, as my love of bemani games is quite easily matched by my complete lack of skill with them...

the motorhead bowling shirt came from their website, and it's one of my favourites.

as for coming back, no need, as I'm already here.
then again, this confusion is only fair what with you testing my (crappy) powers of observation with your green eyeliner on saturday wink
ah... I too have magpie tendencies at times. either that or the ability to be very easily distracted by matters of little or no consequence.

as for me, I'm but a stone's throw* from telford college, or what used to be telford college, seeing as it's being slowly demolished.

hope your elevenses were good.

* - okay, this is a minor fib. it's probably about 10 or so stone's throws away, but that doesn't quite trip off the tongue so easily.
Well hallo there!
What a nice day it is, started off pish but now it's sunny smile
I had a really good weekend, even if it did involve Retribution! It was Higgys birthday weekend which started off in the Jekyll and Hyde. That place is just amazing, if I had the chance of a photoshoot I'd kill for one in there, the detail of the place...
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How many kitties do you have? I just have this one, he's a year and 6 months old. I got him since he was a lil' kittie (just a couple of weeks old). I adore him, and I also talk to him more than anyone else tongue

Sure you can add me! biggrin You seem pretty nice also, and so he says hehe
oooooh i love your userpic, your hair looks wicked! love
Good morning!
And yes I mean morning because I am up before 1pm! Huzzah!
Today I'm going into town to enjoy this oh so sunny day and try to not spend anything. Although if I do catch sight of Tsuis Sushi Kitten I may be forced to cough up some spondoolahs!
Things with the house are going tits up but we're trying to sort...
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A bit crap about the flat.

Landlords can be b*stards.

Oh, and welcome to SG Scotland
Today has been filled with nothing!
I went to the shops and bought some munch, booked in to get my tattoo touched up and hun washing out. Oh the sheer pant wetting joy!
There's a flat for rent at the top of my street, i phoned the number and it's 450 a month fully furnished one bedroom with garden and parking space (for my imaginary...
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hey, hope you get that flat, it sounds pretty goood, wish i could find somewhere that cheap. maybe then i wouldnt still be at home, eep.
anyways hope your good.
If you are car-less and have your own space, be nice to your neighbours with multiplecars and don't abuse them if they pinch your space occasionally. Mine keep leaving notes under my wipers.
Ahoyhoy Kitties and Pups!
I joined here a while ago and have only just worked out how to write a blog, so this is my 'learnt something new' thing for today. I don't have all that much to say right now but I'll come back biggrin
Cheerio for now,
Atomika x
woohoo we're learning things biggrin My hair is bright pink like incredibly in your face pink hehe it sometimes looks a bit red biggrin Hope you're good biggrin
Cheerio x
I only just joined and started my own blog too so i understand. That is way awesome hair, makes me miss my turquoise hair i used to have.

Word xx smile blush