my girlie bought me a playstation 2! woot! and not only that but she also got me bloodrayne II and Sacred Hearts: Covenant. i am the happiest gamer boi ever....

she's the sweetest thing.
it's strange to have your current girlfriend and your ex-girlfriend get along so well. i've always wanted to stay friends with jacqui and i'm glad that friendship is possible still despite the changes and distance between us.

it's even stranger to read back on journals and see your ex-girlfriend become an online friend to another ex-girlfriend of mine due to the fact that i wrote...
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I love you, Baby. Sorry that I am a nut. love The nice thing is that in my craziness, I am crazy about you. So there. kiss
well i've got the job at expedia.com so now i'm counting down my days of freedom until i'm enslaved again. it's a really good thing though that i'm looking forward to. the benefits program is amazing and practically covers all possible dilemmas.

am i actually growing up that i care about my benefits package? is that like the landmark sign that says "oh shit boi...you...
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going to my first job interview here in the bay area today. excited about possibly getting some income that doesn't come with strings. the job would be to work at a call center for a subsidiary travel company owned by expedia. mostly i would be the guy to put vacation packages together for people. i donno if i have any future in this but it'll...
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"THE difference, or the main difference between LIKE and LOVE is that LIKE is an investment of yourself into another person and that LOVE is an investment in that other person no matter what the cost is to you."

~Brian Andrew Rogers
2004 (while really fucking high on pot)

peace on ma brothers
isn't it exciting? the march of life trumpeting salutes to the middle-men of history? can we stamp alongside our ideals any longer? keep the pace stern and preposterous? weak and foolish band camp rejects we wait for the fanfare of our 15 minutes on screen. and then blip.

life is more than a mixture of cyan, magenta, yellow, & K.
i've been feeling the desire to write lately. i have this cyber-punk novel idea that keeps haunting me. maybe i'll get some things worked out this week.

it's nice being back in san jose with my baby. phoenix was a good trip but it's already becoming unfamiliar. it's amazing at how fast someone can change.

well start writing already, damn! biggrin
It's nice to have you home, Baby. I missed you! love
well after a long break i'm back to ogle the SG's and keep up on my groups. yay!

Thank you for your comment on my poem... it's nice to know one's words are understood...

I look forward to reading your works.

today i realized how deep the past can cut
skin-colored bandages ripped just slow
enough to really hurt
a million excuses streaming by as memories
dissembled into the usual symptoms

pinhole throat
racecar heart
roadkill eyes
empty conversation
and she deserves my sympathies

in these moments
yin and yang we curl tightly
to each other's
next breath
digging flesh for pockets of peace

and maybe...
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hey, thank you for commenting on my poem in the poetry group! i like both your profile picture and the last 2 parts of the poem you have posted up here. smile
well i finally wrote an email to my father telling him that i want to try opening communication back up between us. it's hard especially since there has been so much between us. my desire is to let them know who i am and to still let them be a part of my life because my future is growing ever closer and i don't want...
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OK: a poetry-kicks-ass challenge for you - best poem in 25 words or less. No other restrictions. Entries close on the midnight between sunday september 12 and monday september 13. See the topic: "tapwater's challenge #1: 25 words or less"

have fun!
So, you wana join the guild?
(Generic greeting everyone gets)
Sign in the welcome
This is a feedback-oriented group, comment, critique and contribute!
Make ready your contributions and comments, and as astronauts in to the unknown, come what may and what not.
Welcome, feel free to butcher, rewrite, or complement your fellow writers work, as this is a get into it group, the main reason for it being private. We are all pros, can take it, and invite the commentary to improve or sharpen perceptions. Although we are definitely not here to attack the individual, the intent is to provide support to the truth seekers.
Infringing upon copyright is expressly discouraged; please respect the hard work of your fellow artists. We hope to inspire, contribute and know our rights are protected, as this is the primary reason this is a private group. No work is to leave the group without the express consent of the author. You will be removed from the group and face legal ramifications. We are here to be real.
All writing styles, subjects, and interests are as different as the individual and after we get going we may choose to require a submission to enter.
With that said.
Welcome aboard and feel free to contribute, comment, and contact me anytime.

today we got a pet crab. he's a hermit crab and very big and strong. he was outside the apartment apparently left by some nincompoop who didn't want to take care of the little guy. poor thing. my girlfriend is the expert when it comes to rescuing animals but she had work....now i'm terrified of crustaceans but i still got the nerve to make it...
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When in doubt with crab care just stick em' in your underwearshocked ....Don't crabs itch alot though? puke Hmm and hermit crabs have big shells. It'll look like you're pitchin a tent for sure.eeek Hmmm try trading it for a gerbil.love I hear with those they are easier to hide. wink
ok so today i am giving my computer an enema....cleaning out the files and deleting old programs that i'm through with for now.

it always feels good to re-customize one's system. flip things around and get maximum efficiency out of a personal machine.

ok so i'm a geek.

just heard from a chick i knew back in college 5 years ago. weird. people look you...
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