Ok, somewhat of a bone to picke here.
Just because I am male dosen't mean I'm ready to jump into the sack with any feamale that shows me the slitest bit of interest. What makes every women in town think that they can can just come up to me and start licking on my neck and then asume I'm gonna be all turned on from...
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Hahaha, I definitely agree with Ms. Ash. At least, that's what guys tell us girlies...if we wouldn't go out lookin all sexy, then they wouldn't hit on us...it HAS to be the same for you. I mean, you are a hottie, so...yea. smile tongue
As a fellow male, you should know this one already man.

Women have all the power when it comes to sex. If you were to go lick a girls neck, you'd prolly get slapped or something ... 'cause damnit, they have the power to say yes.

We're just pawns in a girls life. When they wanna have sex, they'll let us know.

Of course ... we also have the power to say no ... but it just isn't the same man.
Ahhhhh. Last night of wrk before vacation time. Eleven days of fear and lothing and of course the SG Burlesque show on the 16th at the Crocodile cafe!
I didn't get a chance to go to the Burlesque show in Toronto ... so you need to do me a favour ... have a doubly good time. Kay?

Pretend you are me for a bit ... I need to meet new people.
Bordom strikes. Here is my screen name as an acronym. You can get yours HERE

A - Amorous
S - Sensational
H - Healthy

C - Comical
A - Astounding
M - Magical
B - Bright
L - Loud
E - Exciting
If tattoos are the devil, then I am seriously doomed. I have 6 and am getting the 7th in the next few weeks. smile
A - Amorous
S - Sensational
H - Healthy

duhhhhhhhhhh!! wink
Tiered blured vision and fuzzy brained. Drank way to much last night and to top it all off I landed at the 24hr pool hall and stayed up playing until nine in the morning. I did however see one of the most fucked up things I have ever witnesed. Imagine if you will a guy that looks a bit like me singing Celine Dions My...
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Annette Funnyjello ... I always called her Funnyjello for some reason. I can pronounce the real version ... but it makes her sound so much more fun the way I say it.

So ... Spidey rocked major ass, as I'm sure you'll agree. I wonder if every Spidey movie will have her in a scene where she gets wet. Twas good times.
oh crap, lol, when u said "bring your stick and Ill be ready" I thought u lived around me and I was like "oh hellz yeah!! its ON NOW, MOTHA FOCKERRRRRRRR!!!" HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!

But alas ... u are in washington. How easily I forget these things. frown
It's Friday! Brando is dead! I shall go drink a toast the Godfather...
If anyone wants to drink a toast with me I'll be at Foxy's. Heres to Fiday nights!
I'm drinking a 40 tonight. that should do.
Nothing much Hapning here in the last couple of days. I did go and get a new pool cue though. It's a CueTech wood shaft with fiberglass coating. Very nice feel to it. Can't wait ti try it out at Foxy's Friday night. If anybody is in the Everett area Friday night head to Foxy's and the first shot is on me. wink
Dude ... lemme tell you how I fucking love Americans like you. The type that doesn't think of us as inferior ... thinks of us like a little brother that isn't as much of a tard/bully.

Please - defect to us. We need more cool people like you. It'll prolly be better for your pwn life too if Dubya finds a crack into the White House again.
awww man .. wish I could come down and lose a game a pool against ya. I am ... really horrible at pool sometimes. The funny thing is ... Im not as good sober as I am with a few beers in me... this is my theory on that:

after I get a few beers in me ... I start to get all self conscience abt my shooting and I believe that I start paying more attention once Ive had something to drink.

If I over-do it of course, I start to disintegrate back to my shitt state of crap pool playing. One time I got a little lit and started playing like I was a pro or something, lol! I mean it was REALLY hysterical, I kept like ... actually MAKING every shot! My friends started to call me a liar ... they thought that I had ALWAYS known how tp play this way and that Ijust *pretended* to be bad all the time so I could make them look like fools in public. lol. I mean .. I dont have the patience for a lie like that, I was just as surprised abt my pool playing as THEY were!
Finaly sold my house! I signed the escrow papers yesterday and now just waiting for the big fat check to come in. The way I see it that's a whole lot of beer money. wink
where you moving to now? Into another home? Jeez, this is all so sudden! Moving is a big fucking deal!

and I had no idea u played guitar! what kind do u have and what type of music do u like to play? are u in a band?
Is this what I'm supposed to do?
Yarg, I must go ice my nasty sunburn.
Thanks for the intro to ettiquette, Ash.
I have a beef to pick with stupid fucks who think the world revolves around them. I was doing my Sunday night ritual of beer, karaoke and pool enjoying myself. Having a good ol'time. Sorry Ash I forgot to sing Rock you like a hurricane. Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful!
Anywho. I'm talking with this girl her name was Summer (very atractive I have...
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Nicely played dude ... nicely played.
The coolest thing happend at work last night. One of my employees got half of his finger lobed off in a pice of machinary! I Have told this dumbass not to stick his hand in there a million times and every time he tells me he's to fast and nothing is going to happen. What do you have to say about that now STUBBY! lol...
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actually hun ... meerkats EAT snakes. not the other way around wink
Funnily enough ... per se ... the same kinda thing happened to a guy at my dad's plant (he works for a heavy metal stampings company that mainly makes car parts).

One of the workers had been told MANY MANY MANY times not to lean in between the stamping machine thingy to get the stamped parts out ... there was a mechanism that spit it out at him.

His defence was that he got the piece out faster than the mechanism could spit it out and that he was helping the compnay by making things move faster.

Well ... turns out the only way he helped the company was being the reason everyone has to go through strict training and safty measures now.

Let's just say cleaning up the upper portion of a body while the pelvis and legs are laying on the ground prolly isn't the best job to have.
Caint wait for the work week to end. Work sucks!

Question. Favorite shot when out drinking? Mine would be the death wish. 151, wild turkey and peprmint schnops. Firey minty freshness! smile
Amsterdam is already on my list dude .... lol