This is what happens when I drink to much and then send e-mails to my friends and loved ones late at night when all good people are asleep and dreamiming...sorry about the bad spelling I was druck for fucks sake....JOy!

Women are just big holes.....Big gapping holes that you put things in....If not your dick then you throw money and emotions into them...All women escept...
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What a peachy kean saturday nite I am haveing........Good damn I need to get out to a bar or show soon... skull null
yeah....I took cans to safeway today to get cash so that I could buy beer and then I got beer and wished that I had gotten wisky.....But I alast did not....got drunk .....yelled at crack heads on mlk and shot a gun off in my basement .....and then now I find myself on this damn computer talking at pretty girls......But they don't talk back......II think...
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