Sad I discoverd this so late; The Bat for Lashes video is very fucking cool

*Seems you have to press EXPAND BLOG WITH COMMENTS in order to see the video*

I can't sleep.. and now I'm listening to Massive Attack- which I don't think will help but wtf it feels right.
Sadly shooting him isn't an option.
Science help me.
Science help? Uhhh, I'm a scientist (last time I checked)...
Thanks for the comment too

The "Science Help Me" thing is a reference to a South Park episode a few weeks back. Atheists took over in the future and instead of saying "God Help Me" they said "Science Help Me" or "Science Damn You" (instead of Goddamn you).
so...hmmm.......deciding whether I should go for an animation major or design major.
So my left elbow is disjointed... Well maybe not literally disjointed, but at least to the point where its causing me enough annoyance to prevent from sleeping.. Even with the aid of appropriately prescribed meds.
I feel so fucking sad, I just saw a mouse scamper across my rug in a daze probably dying from either the ant poison I had put out or something else (gods knows) . Trying to make it comfortable , making a little den between my pile of socks and Amida buddha statue.. Hope its last days/hours are ok, but get the feeling they won't...
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So I started school...5 days ago...Its been very stressful...finding the right text books, buying the right art supplies, debating whether or not to keep a class, dealing with where you're living, and trying to get yourself back into a productive state of mind .
Doubt anyone reads this...that actually seems rather likely considering the many thousands (I'm assuming) or at least hundreds of bloggers on suicidegirls....So its a bit like talking to a wall...But WTF its better than writiing in word doc. and losing it on my hard drive...

I'm trying to come up with various story ideas for future comic/animation/or (less likely in long run) film endeavors. Unfortunately...
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