Today's a day I've been waiting for since I was 4 years old.
Nice. I have a Go water bottle from when I won a contest last fall. We're dorks. smile
matthew xxxxxxxx, Thank you for ordering tickets from MovieTickets.com!

Your Tracking Number is
Your Movie: ........... Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith PG
Showtime: ............. Noon, the afternoon of Thursday, May 19, 2005
Theater: .............. Famous Players SilverCity - North London
1680 Richmond Street
London, ON N6G 3Y9
fantmas |delrium crdia

A 74 minute metal soundtrack to a coroner's textbook just came up on Winamp's shuffle of the entire media library.

The decision now is.. Am I down?
What version of Winamp do you use?
What skin?
If you don't use it, what do you use to listen to tunes. Why?
I re-installed Windows tonight.
The weekend was a success.

The weather was nice enough so that cutting the lawn wasn't a pain in the ass, but actually a nice couple hours in the sun.

I lost some money in Poker. I used to be pretty good, but lately its just been an exercise in paying my friends' rent.

I smoked way too much.

I made brunch for my mom....
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Maybe I'll add those DVD's to my netflix queue. My main exception is commercials.

My mom picked Hitchikers as the movie we'd see. Good mom. blush
I am very sad to learn that Chapelle Show has stopped production for an indetermined ammount of time.

I love Dave. He's my second favourite television personality at the moment.

Okay, maybe 3rd. I forgot Alex Trebek.

maybe wayne brady can step in...
I never watch TV. I haven't for years. But it always seemed like something I'd watch. le sigh.
[you've entered the room mid-conversation]
Speaking of Frank Miller -- Who thinks that Warner Brothers should just hand the Batman franchise to Miller & Robert Rodriguez?
heheh glad you liked my colledtion smile
meh, they'll just turn into pulp after awhile anyway
It's still cold.

The Spring music season has sprung, and I'm actually buying records. I jumped on Lullabies to Paralyse when it came out and listened to it non-stop for about a week. It's put away now, but I think I'll be going back to it.

The new Trail of Dead was okay, too. It didn't blow my mind like Source Tags & Codes did,...
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More newness? I'm one of those people who finds something I like, old or new, and sticks with it for a long, long time, before I go finding something else. I always end up coming back to the old stuff I have, too, and replay it as long as I didn't burn out a disc from overplay. Lots of people don't believe that's possible at all, but it really is. That and I'm not the best caretaker of CDs, hehe.

But I'd recommend the latest Garbage album, "Bleed Like Me". It's not for everyone, but I love it. They're my favorite band.