Well, another visit to the karaoke bar of doom should have resulted in another tragically humorous story, but things actually turned out for the best. For starters, we did not pick up any strange unnatural residents, but opted for one of the girls' sister and mom, who proved to be much more uplifting entertainment. The singers were a greater quality, and there was more dance...
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Bruising kisses -- trying to remember, now, if they're better at the moment or in the remembering aftermath. Either way, seriously, pretty good.

Mostly, the goodness is wanting someone that much. Wanting to pull someone to you to the point of crushing? I think I live for those moments. An entire existence aimed towards that second when you see the thing that you want and decide to press your lips to it.

Beautiful. kiss
So last night did not turn out to be the relaxing outing that I hoped.

I went again with my companions from the other night, except I was told that we would be going to a different place because they had karaoke there. I readily agreed, as I understood there would be more dancing. Things started off so promising....

A last minute decision as we...
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Oh, that's lousy. I hate group outings where people don't tend well to the group -- you know, like, say, noticing when someone is vastly unhappy?

Those ladies get a D in "being a good friend."

On the bright side, I think you should write more about live in your state, because your descriptions of the rednecks were well-written and made me laugh.
HFStival should be really nice!
So....one of my old stalkers from high school has found me. Yes, stalkers with a plural s. I used to be a magnet for people who wanted to love knife back in the day, although it hasn't happened in the past two years of living in obscurity. One of the few advantages of living in a desolate wasteland is that no one knows you,...
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I really need to be able to buy you a drink.
stalkers are scary and way too common. luckily, despite my relative lack of caution on this and other sites, i have had no bad experiences. but sometimes my idiot friends give out my real first name and i want to kill them.
Yesterday was interesting for a change. That is not to say that my days are not interesting around here, but yesterday managed to be of some note without resorting to the usual weirdness that keeps events from being completely boring. Anyway, the day time was annoying, as I had a few relatives in that included my nephew: The World's Sleaziest Meterosexual. I'd go into details...
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yay for ass grinding!!
My summer break officially started about 6 hours ago and I'm already bored and annoyed. I keep forgetting how much I need school to keep my mind straight; I can't deal with spare time in such vast amounts. I need deadlines and academia and class schedules and all that good stuff people can't wait to put behind them.

Last summer sucked balls. I was feeling...
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well, good luck with that. i always wanted to do that writingb stuff professionally, but i don't think i was made for it.

you should take up macrame this summer. it's really fun to type.
usually good
I got up at the crack of dawn with one mission: I'm going to finish my schoolwork. The morning was spent diligently grinding away at the last paper, and greats strides were made in my goal. Unfortunately, the afternoon brought distraciton: a big family early dinner, an affection starved wiener dog, getting to talk to Lotus (buy her stuff! she need our support!) for the...
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I just wrapped up your package and I'll be sending it off later today. smile
God you rule.

That made me laugh, and then I hiccuped, and then I almost peed, and then I laughed some more.

I miss wrong numbers. I totally do.
Well....school's almost over, as I still have my final exam projects and an actual exam to go still. Right now I'm focusing on getting some crappy, low-pay part time action in order to heal my hemorraghing bank account. Unfortunately, the country has to be in an economic upswing just for this place to be in a recession, so pickings are slim even among the undesirable...
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haha. want a pair?
e-mail me your address!
I haven't received anything nasty and/or threatening from anyone in a few days, so I suppose this is a much needed calm between storms. Fortunately, my exams for my poli sci classes have been changed to final homework projects, so I only have to sweat studying for one test. Said test is in a class from a professor from whom my lowest grade on any...
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you know you want this piece of dragon

Good luck getting all your ducks in a row.
I graduated with a B average, thought it was all shitty, but now spend my days going through the resumes of overachievers, many of whom have lower undergrad GPAs than me.
School's almost over and I'm finding it depressing. As much as it stresses me out, the classes are the only social interaction to be had around here, albeit nothing more than a brief stay amongst acquaintances. After next week, it's 3 straight months of no one to talk in person with the exceptions of family and random rednecks. Well, I'll be visiting friends around Baltimore...
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If where you live is anything like Martinsville, VA, then I'm going to pawn my TV, my laptop, and my power drill in order to buy you a plane ticket away from the place you now call home. A scary place, Martinsville was. I felt like the entire town was a decade behind the rest of American civilization. Of course, you could be quite fond of Martinsville and/or Virginia in general.... If that's the case, let me get a drink down the hatch before you punch me in the face.
Yeah, I figure the only people who get to talk shit about the South are the people who've actually LIVED there.
Still no sleep. The last paper is halfway done, but I cannot proceed until I hear back from my prof in response to some questions I have. No sleep in the forseeable future. Bored out of my burnt out mind. Writing sentence fragments all over my journal. Much too tired and bored to care about the bad grammar. Bored sleepy bored. Also, kinda horny.
Oh, it's the same Boy/not-Boy who has been around for the last three or four years. whatever
Wow! People get pissy when you take them off your friends' list! You'd think it was grade school or something, with all the angry posts I've deleted. Again, as many people will agree, you only keep people on the list when its those who you keep a regular and meaningful dialogue with; it doesn't mean I think you're a bad person for that not happening!...
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Two am Toronto; glad to still be on your list. Wish the pizza delivery chains up north here sucked less. Cheers, m'dear.
Yeah... I totally ate the camera. Good thing it was under warranty still.
Well, I'm not certain if the boards have seen any Spring Cleaning, but I decided that my friends' list needed a good hard dusting, as I have noticed that many of my friends are doing the same. I've pretty much scaled it down to those I talk to regularly outside of the site and/or those people who have been known to post without reciprocation and...
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i was going to post two words and a smiley, but no one likes a smart-ass, LOL. thanks for keeping me around. i think it's time i scaled back my friends' list, since i am one of those approvers of all. but if i cut back to people i knew in real life, i'd be screwed. mad
Oh I have some weird little obsessions like that too. I thought it was just me!
I hate the name thing. I know it's sounds crazy but I honest to goodness had some guy show up at my work that I had never met simply because he found me from keeping track of little details about things I had said....
that stuff is scary.

Anywho, done with my rant. I'm sure I came here to repond to something you said, but I forgot it now...lol