I am not dead. smile but as you notice - I haven't been online a whole lot. But I've returned, in no small part to get back in touch with an old friend, with an affinity for hot chocolate. smile

How is everybody? E-mail is more reliable than SG for getting in touch with me. angel@angel-in-babel.org
hey! yeah, i was curious why you weren't about. glad you're online again. biggrin

and i'm quite the reverse... i'm horrid about email during busy periods, and i dimly remember you sent me something and it's now buried in the depth of my inbox. i'm really sorry about that - once i've got my summer net access in place i'll be more reliable blush

and yeah - doing well, starting a full-time job on monday as a multimedia developer. craziness. cast of characters includes an anal supervisor, some zany, code-monkey coworkers, and guest appearances by various faculty members - some demanding, others sympathetic. we'll see how it goes...
Here's some...

I really like Dia's Juice and Bride sets...these in particular... 1 and 2.

And this one is a two girl set...but I like 1 and 2.

This one is another Archive'd girl...and it would be cool without the cheezy leopard print sheets. But I like the sporradic burgundy/red in the frame, and how the background is completely drapped.1 and 2.

Although This set has a lot going on in it, I like (again) the drape-yness of the background, and the mistyness of some of the photos. Some are a lil' low lit, and well...they're all just too crowded of a composition for me. 1 2 3.

This set rocks my world. 1 2 3. I wouldn't mind just dressing up the set (if we did inside) with a bunch of creepy stuff. I like dragons, vampires, gargoyle's, creepy faces, and the such....

and I have a sword, chalis, and heavy burgundy hooded cloak we could use.

Rose, andScarlett are my fav. Goth girls.

If we did something outside, the type of environment/lighting similar to what I'm looking for is in Ren's set. 1 and 2.

Though I'd like it to be really evil, I do wanna keep it inherently 'pin-up'...but I think we can accomplish that with my poses, and your camera angles.

Well...I think that's a lot to look at right now...hope it gives you a good idea...I'll keep scouring away over the internet for more stuff......

Thank you, thank you, thank you again! I'm really gung-ho over this now...I've been mulling it over in my brain for quite a while, and I'm uber-excited to get started. I know this is gonna be friggin' awesome. And you are certainly welcome to use any of the outcome for portfolio's/shows. biggrin

[Edited on May 10, 2004 7:34PM]
So yeah. Big Fire. Took Pictures. It was a block and a half from where I live. eeek

*pOke pOke*... you still alive? kiss
sounds like you'll be really busy -- good luck with all that work! kiss
Da crane boss, da crane!

I built a crane. took me forever to find enough feathers....

allright so not really feathers. have a look in the pictures for my latest monstrosity.

WOW. I'm totally impressed. But I must admit...I'm more interested in the camera at the end of it.
So after giving up 3D graphics years ago in favor of photography and other 2D arts, I find it has sucked me back into the dark side. smile


In other news ---

Gno has come home. smile kute kitty.

New photos are coming soon (the industrial part of town. yummy stuff. old buildings in tatters)

Casting a short film entitled "Kings" - script will go up...
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wow. traced the links over to your website... i really like your digital art. curiousity: have you ever heard of christopher shy? he's another really good photoshop artist - i swear you guys make me burn with wanting to hurry up and do cool things myself sooner better more!

have you taken any useful classes in your 2D artstuff, or in 3D? i'm always looking for resources. wink
Working at Kinko's I find that there are two types of people in this world.

Type 1 : People who are smart enough to run a copy machine.
Type 2 : People who are not smart enough to run a copy machine.

If people only came to grasp this and internalize the ramifications, the world would be a much more enlightened place. The Type 1...
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Given the job that Shadow and I both have right now,
we can so TOTALLY relate to your post. Just ask him
about how he feels about people that get an alarm
system installed in their home and then have ZERO
clue about how it works. Somedays I've almost been
to the point of answering "magic alarm fairies make the
alarm work, sir" *click*. smile

Just a thought......there are of course those people perfectly capable of using the copier, until they see the hottie behind the desk. I define these as type 1(c) denies in hope of a quick fumble hoping feigned stupidity will gain them a life partner.
Dude, this is well worth turning into a book "The Anthropology of Kinko's: Love, Life and the Xerox Machine"......hmmm ok maybe thats going a bit far biggrin

Sin xx
The Other Shoe

So I'm about to turn into one of those people who vents their inmost feelings into their journal (at least I don't do it often)

So it's like this, My first love found out from God that she needed to dump me. (no really)

The second girl I was serious with, I moved in with, lived with for nearly a year, and...
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Nothing wrong with the band.
yeah, it does feel good to vent...

nicely told, too. i wish you luck!
24 Hours Project - Great times were had. Magic of Theatre. My play didn't quite suck! smile

Actually the play was great, it was just overlong. by about half. And we had one cast member who didn't speak english. like at all. Yeah. I didn't bomb. Quite.

But we love the script, and I loved my director, and we had a great time and we're going...
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ooo... sushi nights. that's good stuff!

and where in the world is that quote from? "the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain." that's gonna drive me crazy...
The Raven. - Yeah 24 hours from blank page to full stage. 11 for the actors. It's quite a...exhilerating experience. THey're doing another later this year. I'm signed up as a director! Waha!

In ten minutes, seven playwrites shall all gather in a room and the door will be locked. In the morning they will emerge with seven plays, they will explain these seven plays to seven directors. The seven directors will audtition 18 or so actors and actresses (I'm one of these) cast the plays, rehearse them all day, and perform them exactly twenty four hours after...
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I really don't want to know how you know what warm Pelican piss tastes like. wink

Adventures in Theater

This last weekend, I was to shoot video at a play directed by a good friend of mine.

Thursday :
6PM : The dress rehersal. So here I sit, up in the lighting booth with Tim, who's running lights for the play, and I set up camera, check light, angles, and do all that videographer stuff. I've just started to monitor audio...
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heehee we have used those yellow hallogens for shows too. wink
Nice to stop in the sight every so often and read and post, but I hardly need to feel like I HAVE to check certain groups. if SGVA can't take my schedual, I can live without them, most of it never gets this far south anyways.