Yay work!!! (I'm not sure how much I mean that at the moment)

Yay custom sneakers!!! Yay new Adicolors!!! Yay all this bright and shiny!!!

One of my best friends, who is a graphic designer, but currently doing a Bachelor of Industrial Design and I are going to start a design company. T-shirts to start, then I might add in my custom sneakers.

I've been...
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Hope you feel better.

Yey for business ideas smile

Getting up early is a thing you only do if you have to, so make time for the sunsets smile
Hurrah for new projects!
The fuzz is sooo hard to grow, it took forever to get what I have now!
Free shit rules.

Worked tonight. Had the launch exhibition for the re-launch of the Puma Clyde from the archive.

If you like sneakers, get a pair. I got a pair for free, and they are fucking comfy.

I used to be a high-heel junky, but I've developed into a bit of a sneaker-fiend.

Anyway - it's time for me to zzz...
Free sneakers??
Lucky dog.
Work. Ugh.

(Yeah, that's all I've got.)

Edited to add: As many of you would know I actually really love my job. I love the people I work with and the environment. Sometimes the customers make my job pretty shitty - as I'm sure anyone who works in hospitality will tell you, because some people still really do treat their bartender (and I'm sure bussie,...
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Hang in there. Work is awful but it's a means to an end. wink
Hope you've recovered a little?
Do you really get many people crying at the bar?....hhmmm never tried that one biggrin
I am struggling at the moment. I have "suffered" from an eating disorder for more than half of my life. I was tagged as "chronic" at 16 I think. That was already 7 years ago. An ex of mine even went though a flat that we rented and took the locks off the bathroom doors. I believe (even though many people may disagree with this...
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Hello matey.

I was gonna ask about your ilnessw you mentioned before but didn`t want to pry. I guess you`ve spilled the beans now, so I`d like to say I`m sorry you`ve gone through that and are still fighting.

My niece was in a simular situation and it was hard to know what to do foe her. She is better now, though a little obsessive about what she eats.

Its a shame that 75% of food on the market is bad for you.

Send you a hug to get you through the quiet period smile
I'm sorry for your struggle, it saddens me so much that people have to go through addictions of any kind, and I know how especially horrible one with food can be.
I'm also sorry for your clock, I love clocks and hate to hear of one being broken frown
Slut Pride gets a beating on the SG boards...

It kind of shits me when people have arguments about how right or wrong other peoples "numbers" are. I mean - I have a pretty damn high number, and I have a number of friends who are lower than I am but considered to be a lot more "slutty" that I am. I also have a...
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More important stuff aye.........
Hows everything else going for you? Behaving yourself I hope tongue
Too bad you couldn't make to the Melbourne meet up........you'll have to come next time!
THe other day I was thinking "What the hell, why does it matter, it's just sex, that's all, sex, body on body, stop whinning and start fucking", so your blog fits perfectly in my line of reasoning.
And what's better than sex with a fuzzy snatch? hahaha.
This dot point entry brought to you by never-enough-time:

-Work last night: finally got a computer in the penthouse. I hugged it. Now all I need is aircon.
-I think I have a 21st tonight. Boo. They are usually pretty good because I think 21sts are really one of thoes first "good time but best behaviour" events. I just hate listening to other peoples speeches....
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All sounds good, I hate speeches too smile

Thanks for your words of wisdom, I totally agree, sometimes all you can do is be there.

Cheers smile
Thanks for reading all of that, I figured most would read the first or second line and just be done with it.
Woo Hoo for chest pieces, can't wait to see pictures of the hair (and hopefully the new chest piece in the near future smile )
Okay, this will probably be a messy post. Either that or very short. I'm not sure. (See, look, it's already messy!!!)

So, I'm going on a date on Tuesday. I've never been on a proper date before and I'm a bit freaked out about it. I'm going to his house and he's going to cook.
This is okay, because we've hung out a few times...
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Ooh, what fun. Hope it all goes according to plan. biggrin
I don`t know mate, I want to be supportive about this guy, but two things put me off, and you`ve already mentioned them.

He sounds capable, and organised, and maybe that is what you need. He`s obviously sensitive as he managed to talk about girlfriends and boyfriends without being a dork.

The no drinking /smoking/ drugs bit seems a little off. I mean if he actively trys to change you, then that won`t work. If he is easy about that stuff, happy to be with people when they are drunk/stoned whatever, then there should be no problem

On the money thing, I guess it doesn`t hurt to watch your cash. He doesn`t drink, so why should he buy rounds? I understand that, as a water is a lot cheaper than a beer. I don`t drink myself and am generous, but I do resent the whole rounds thing when I`m not drinking.

So now I`ve talked myself out, I`m feeling better about him biggrin
The other night I was at the pub with my best friend and some of his friends, all male. For some reason we stated talking about porn, and it turned out that I had seen the most of the five of us. I used to work in an adult bookstore, and mostly because of that, I've seen more than my fair share of porn (not...
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I wish I could go to a tea party. biggrin
Thanks for the message smile

I`d be settling in a lot better if we had some privacy, but my lady`s son and girlfriend have moved in. I`m sure we would have made love last night if they weren`t in.

Also they have sorta changed things on us, originally they were gonna be with us a few weeks as they looked for jobs and a place to live in Brighton (it 30 miles away).

Now they have decided to start a business importing furniture from france, so they have bought a van with their deposit money and are gonna give it a go. I wish them every good thing, but it means we will have them with us for ages.

Not really what I had planned. And off course they need to talk their plans through every night as ultimately it is a scary thing they are trying to do.

I just wanna get in, have a bowl, speak to my lady, read and then sleep.

Life eh?

One of thoes nights at work... actually - one of thoes weekends.
I just wasn't in the mood to take any kind of shit from anyone tonight, and I have never had the displeasure of serving a bigger bunch of inconciderate cunts in my whole life.
Here is just one example:
Background : this girl had been shitting me off all night, changing her order...
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haha i dont pity you fucking wanker customers. this job is my first out of bars in yrs. i still get fuck wit customer and hours though.
see you friday maybe.
I love you Analith...

