So yeah, Ivan came and went. I felt rather let down by it all. I knew nothing was going to happen, but I was hoping to see kids and cars and shit flying everywhere. Sadly, there was nothing. Instead we got drunk, and played frisbee in it all. I took several pictures, or I thought I did. Only a few actually took, and even less...
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Yay for anti dubya sentiment heh biggrin
Hurricane Ivan rocked my world Wednesday when it got me out of class and work. Its chewing at my ass Friday. My power is still out, and Im back at work.

At least I have pics! They'll be put up later...if/when I get my power back.
ahaha you lost power, I was the only one of the crew who didnt lose power
Ew lame. Hurricanes are totally lame. Keep safe man. Oh, btw, I got my Jack Skellington tattoo finished.
I think I'm just going to grow up to be like J.D. Salinger. I'm just going to be a bitter recluse.
Not if I can help it.
Oh my god. That's fucking hilarious! Do it! And remember, only transform during mid conversation, cocking your head to a completely different side, thus awkwardly interrupting aforementioned conversation. Oh, and if anybody doubts you're Clark Kent, do remember to slip your glasses back on. They'll be duped!

I thought about changing when someone spill beer or something. You know, the super hero stuff.
I finally got Love and Distance-the latest Helio Sequence album. I could not find this fucker anywhere around here.

I searched every corperate CD chain in the area, and nobody carried it, and only a few of them had a section reserved for Helio Sequence.

O well, thank God for half.com.

Time to pop it in and kick back.
Stinger! We need...work with me here...a giant bowl of banana pudding, I mean..no wait fuckin bigger a pool of banana pudding, we could get giant vannill'er waffers and use them like lilly pads...shit you ever loose your train of thought..this was the best idea ever thought up at 6 am in the morning but I leaned over to fart and it all left me in the flatulance....o well it shit...hahah

[Edited on Sep 07, 2004 3:38AM]
A former girlfriend gave me Heart of Darkness as a gift. It was her favorite book. I had wanted to read it ever since I had seen Apocalypse Now.

Well, it just so happened that when I finally got around to reading the book, we broke up. Things ended badly, and I packed away all the stuff that she had given me-the very few things....
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i had a very similar experience with the book after watching apocalypse now.

at the moment i am reading don quixote. it's pretty enjoyable, although i have just started. should be a speed read... damn papers crawling up behind me. or in front of me, rather.
I figgured I needed to update again, but not really sure what to say.

I'm tired as hell. I've been listening to Godspeed You Black Empoeror all damn day.

I've started a writers group where I get together with some people, and once a night we go out to eat then to my place where we throw ideas together for screenplays.

Tonight was our second...
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Oh that's fucking awesome! See, I don't join groups like that, cause my ideas are usually shoddy.
congratulations.. your birthday is the day after mine. biggrin
My job consists of basically masking my contempt for the assholes in charge, and, at least once a day, retiring to the men's room so I can jerk off while I fantasize about a life that doesn't so closely resemble Hell.
yeah yeah i know who he is, i just don't know why you mention it. thanks for the pic though. fun fun.
oh! costume party.
that's a really rad idea.
i hope someone takes pictures of you. one over burton!

i saw melancholy death of oyster boy [burton] today as i bought donkey-oat & karmazov. have you ready it? have i asked this before?

and american beauty.... oh the love. i actually read this entry now after all the edward comments.
I'm throwing a costume party in two weeks, but I have no idea what I'm going to do.

Oh man, Ria's right. That'd be fucking awesome.