So, I feel like it's time for me to update but not much has really happened. Im off to three day guard in about an hour so I wanted to get this done.

At any rate, what Ive really been pondering is whatever happened to my friend Kinkerbelle. She used to be a member around these parts and also kept an account over at myspace....
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Why is it always so much fun to scare the shit out of yourself? My sister and I used to get on all these creepy as hell websites, and look up haunted places and go looking for them. Haha. Geez.

Anyway-I don't care who says they aren't real ouija boards freak the hell out of me. I swear to God, I had a stalker from the other side!! Haha-It might sound weird, but I'm totally serious.

When I was about 12, I saw a little boy in my sister's closet, dressed in clothes from the 1800's....And When I'd be in bed at night, someone always would either whisper my name-or ask what I was doing....It was creepy. And the piano would play by itself. That house is scary. I'm glad we moved. Haha. I don't know why, but for some reason they liked me... confused
Yeah, the hard part about it is finding somewhere to start. Some awesome retro/rock-a-billy photographers in the area. Which I don't even know if that exists. The biggest 'city' close to here is Dallas...so I could travel I guess. Anyway, Is your friend here on SG??

I think modeling would be tons of fun...and easy damn money! Haha
Hi there, how you doin? Im cool, thanks for askin. Well not much to report really. Im still in Iraq, and still willing to sell my soul to get out of here with my sanity...

Oh Ive been meaning to suggest you check out "Lapalco" by Brendan Benson. Its REALLY good pop rock. If you buy one cd on my reccomendation, it should be that....
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That test was a bitch!! My guess is a 70. Haha. Ah well...Anyway, I will definitely take pictures, duh!! Since I don't see him too often I always have to document all our togetherness. Haha.

Enjoy your music! ARRR!!!
I know I shouldn't let them get to me, but...still, easier said than done. Oh well. I've had a shit week. Time to start another grand one-I'm sure.

Listen to my cynical ass. Geez.
So, As luck would have it I recently discovered that there is a film school back home in oklahoma. Ive always desired to be involved in film making so it looks like instead of going to UCO I will be attending OCCC. at least for two years, then maybe I'll move on to the graphic design major after I have my associates.

Also, Ive decided...
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He's in for 4 1/2 more damn years!!!! UUUGGHHH!!! He signed up for 5. Stupid, stupid marines. Stupid, stupid Zach.
Wow. The fact that you're still together really gives me hope!! And I'm excited, cuz I heard they don't ID. Still, I'm putting on a garter, filling a flask with something potent, and putting it in there. Why? Because a)It'll look damn hot. b)I'll be sneaking, which is always more fun. smile

I got my dress yesterday!! GORGEOUS, by the way. smile Hope you're well!!
Its not been a good week for me.

first there was the extension, and then a couple days ago, I got a red cross message. as a soldier this is not something you ever want to recieve. Well, My Grandpa passed away from a massive heart attck brought on from his diabetes. Im really goin to miss him, he never critisized my many failings and...
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I'm sorry about your Grandpa. frown That sucks. And I'm sure he understands.

Zach is in San Diego at Mirimar. Where Top Gun was filmed. And no, we're definitely not thinking about ending anything. It just gets hard sometimes. His deployment got pushed back until next October. When I was suppose to move to California with him. So, that's bad news. I didn't think I would be upset about the deployment being DELAYED. But I want to get it over with.
Ok, so lets get this update started, huh?
Boy, Have I got some bad news to report today. In my last post I mentioned how I was really hoping to be home for christmas, right? Well, that certainly isnt going to happen. So scratch my birthday, and hell im canceling new years. I know, you were lookin forward to it but hey...
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business at lunch, date at night time, I guess. Reservations, even. Haha. Well, I hope you find something useful with that extra cash!
A giant TV would be pretty radical. But, might if you don't have an Xbox 360, those are amazing! But, PS3 would be cool too. Whatever your little heart desires, I suppose.

And the food is actually really good. It's Italian. And I LOVE Italian food. I've only eaten there once though.
Holy Hell, I suck at updating. Anyways, alot of rumors have been swirlin around about when i might be getting out of here. The most positive? I might be home for christmas...that would be sweet. so, im tryin to plan financially for college. that has been interesting. the plan is to go completely on the GI bill and whatever scholarships or grants i can muster....
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Haha. Good luck with the essay. Good luck with your rank. How much longer are you in for??
I think that I basically owned that test. Haha. I should be writing a paper right now, but putting things off seems to be a great habit of mine. I'm majoring in psychology...so, if I stick with it, then I have a long long ways to go. I've thought about switching it to English though-but who knows...!?
So, I Guess it's update time huh? and boy would I love to wow you with an interesting and funny story about what has been going on in my life. Sadly that isnt to be. My life is kind of dull to me. I just roll from one mission to the next to the next. downtime is precious and rare. I mostly stress these days....
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The rent is actually pretty outrageous. But, split between 3 people it isn't so bad. 280 each. 280x3=840. Damn. Hope this week is better for you! And I'm still in Mustang. Which is quite a trek to school...but, that's alright, I guess.
hey hun hows you xx
HI there blog reader, How are ya? Im ok, I actually have had a couple days away from all of those nonstop missions. But im sure they'll pick up again. anyways not to much to report to you. Im on the hunt to meet new and interesting people again. In an attempt to have somebody to talk to. so, Id like to say thank you...
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Friends are a good thing smile
You're welcome for the book recommendations. I hope you enjoy them!
No, no. It's all about quality. What good are a bunch of people if they aren't top notch? smile Haha. And there really aren't too many people I have to keep up with, so it isn't too difficult. I like to keep things simple.
well, ive settled back into life here in iraq. Id love to get out of here. I was so happy while on leave. theyve got me on nonstop 72 hr missions now, id love a couple days to relax but it doesnt seem to be in the cards...
What have you read recently? What do you love and hate? I can make a few recommendations, and the Lit group here is good too, if you haven't joined it yet.
Nick Hornby is fun. "High Fidelity", "About a Boy," and "A Long Way Down" are all great books by him.

Right now, I'm reading a book called "The Memory of Running" and "Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk," and I carry a Harry Potter book at all times for quick, light reading smile
well, my time at home is just about but Ive really enjoyed myself. I had alot of fun with my friends, saw a bunch of movies.(Superman Returns, Pirates 2, and Clerks 2) I wish I was gonna be here for the new Will Ferrell flick. I was hopin to get a call from someone but it hasnt happened yet. kind of a bummer. but shoot,...
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tell me!
HI there, leave has been fun. Went and saw Rob Zombie in concert, the show was cool. im glad i saw it. unfortunately my best friend molly felt it was a oppurtunity she couldnt pass up and tried crows surfing out. She got like two or three rows and the people just flat dropped he on her back. she's pretty messed up but the doctors...
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so, im on my way towards going on leave, im just kind of stuck waiting for a space A flight to kuwait right now. after that its waiting to go home.

Leave will be good. hang out with best friend molly, see rob zombie in concert, get a phone call from a certain someone on my friends list and who knows what else.

I can...
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awww thank u 4 the sweeet comment on my set...MUAH and a big hugg...hope u got home okayy biggrin kiss
I'm in San Francisco, not Santa Clara, but it's certainly a driveable distance! I think the place is the same....... you can take comfort in that tongue