time for molly to rant...

ok so i went to the subway by my house for dinner today with my friend isaac..

now this subway is fucking stupid (mostly cuz the bastards didnt hire me)...the people that work there r creepy and they have a tendancy to not have the food u want..

one time they even ran out of bread...how can a sandwich place...
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yeah.. fuck those subway sons of bitches! give her, her goddamn tuna on white and no one gets hurt! mad
forgot to add this link ooo aaa

[Edited on May 27, 2005 6:16AM]

nevermind the link... they just updated and erased the comment anyway. ask me about it and i'll tell ya sometime oink

[Edited on May 27, 2005 5:14PM]
Aww! kiss

dude...i'm tired..

today i skipped school cuz in the morning i wasnt feeling good puke and i was already late for school...
so i thought, fuck it...

i spent the day at Evnas's house...we hung out for a bit and talked/ate lunch...then i started fuckin aorund on his computer cuz i got bored as hell surreal ..

then Evnas went to sleep and i played this...
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that explains the texts at 11 in the morning wink
you're so naughty! you and those shenanigans. oink i even kissed one of those flying pigs!

surreal molly
i couldn't agree more.... although i have no idea what that means ooo aaa
miketheevil1 countdown surreal : 0 days!!

yup today was the day...me, mikethevil1, evnas all went out and shopped aorudn the frmeont market...but there wasnt much to looks at se we just went to my house..

we played pga golf on the xbox..(i only lost by like 3 strokes!!) which was really fun..

then we watched predator...i had never seen it the whole way through so...
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You put up a good fight, but, I still kicked you're ass blackeyed ! Just kidding biggrin That does look like a fuckin awesome movie! Crap, I should go to bed too! Night kiss
'sup homie? (I stole your line biggrin )
i'm in a really bad fuckign mood.. mad

i have cramps like non-other and i like cant even fucking move they hurt so bad.. frown blackeyed
and my rents r being assholes..all i want right now is some fuckign subway and they r such assholes they wont be ncie and go get it for me, even when i said i would give them money!!..

skull i'm gonna go crawl...
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i can't bring you subway, but here's some in the background! kiss feel better
I really wanted to get a picture of the guy sticking his tongue out, but my camera isnt that rad.

P.S. my skin doesnt always look that good , I was having a no zit day!
today rocked..

didnt go to school cuz there was this racial rally thing at NOVA that had some of the wicked cool slam poets..

then me and some other people went and smoked weed..we also had this stuff thats one of the most potent psycedilic drug and its legal...omg i will never do that again..
i felt like i had no control voer my body...random...
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today was so boring..

blah frown ...

blackeyed my back hurts so abd ad i havent had an appetite for a long time..

i dont really have much to write about though, it bothers me..

i have a sushi date tomorrow so that should be fun... smile

miketheevil1 countdown surreal : 3 days!!

The good old days? If by that you mean, taking steroids and growing a beard....Hahaha.
i wish i could go on a sushi date!!!!!

ok well nekromantix, i think its june 10 at the elcorazon. think you might could make it??? that would be jolly swell amazing and i would love it.

ps you changing your name again confused the snot out of me.

so are we sticking with this name???
ello my lovelies...

shaggyford countdown love -1 days..

yeah, he left today...-le sigh-
but yesterday was fun..instead of going to school i took a bus to meet him at starbucks, then we wne tover and hung out at his hotel for a while..
i gave him his presents, and he gave me a stuffed flying pig..
then we went and walked around u-village where he got...
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yay... my very own countdown biggrin
i did a little better i managed to hold it together until i got on the plane.....i miss you so much.
YAY!!! biggrin
today was the last day i have people shoving gauze in the cut on my ass!! tongue ..

i'm so excited.. shaggyford countdown love : 1DAY!

he actually gets into town tonight but it'll be too late for us to hang out..
i'm skipping school to hang out with him..i'm soooooo excited..i think he siad he bought a do-it-urself dildo kit and we are going to...
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hey was up sexay momma? wink talk to ya later kiss
thats funny i didn't even realize 3 outa 5 the same! biggrin
yesterday i got molested by a really boring, ugly italian guy..
but i got to see catwoman for the first time, i thought it was pretty good.. miao!!

today i've been doing nothing but laying around the house..mostly in my bed..i've only been out of bed for about an hour..it was nice

i have a craving for some jack in the crack!..bakon ultimate cheeseburger...mm mm good...
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thanks for your comment
i change the photo cause somebody told me thats not good put a new set photo... wellll....... i put onther one, very cute too.

Haha. Well, I've never actually peed my pants. I just pulled them down and forgot to lean back. But that's probably worse?

Edited because I missed grammar class in highschool. confused

[Edited on May 15, 2005 8:32PM]
i just got back from seeing unleashed with my homie isaac..

fuckin kick ass movie..it makes u look like this when its over---> blackeyed

another person form school recognized my SG necklace, another girl no less..

time to pass out..

shaggyford countdown love : 4 days!!

eeek Molly
whoever got you that necklace is the most awsome person in the whole country, no wait in the whole world, no wait in the whole galaxy, no wait in the whole universe. biggrin ooo aaa ARRR!!!