Last night, a coworker of mine, Megan, invited me to a party. I don't usually like parties, I'm a bit socially retarded biggrin But I agreed to go cause I like Megan. So I got there early and was able to hang out with Megan and her roommate in her apartment, had a pretty good time there.

Then we went to the neighboring apartment for the...
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sounds to me like you're not socially retarded in the least. I know the feeling of awkwardness though. I used to be the social butterfly. three years ago I gave up being intoxicated on booze and drugs. I'm learning the whole interacting sober thing. It's been a bumpy ride. *smiles*

I like your halloween profile. smile Way to get into the spirit of things. skull robot kiss
mimes sexy? *ponders* well, I could see a mime being sexy if he/she was hogtied and submitting to my darkest whims. It would be fun seeing them NOT cry out. wink robot kiss
I've been playing around with Fruity Loops recently, and so far I've come up with two songs worthy of converting to MP3 and listening in free time. one's called "special" and the other is "Francis The Conquerer" (both working titles).
I'd love to share them with yous guys, but I can't afford an ftp site. Don't worry, I'll work on it.
I had Froot Loops for breakfast. wink
How creepy am I? Am I so awkward looking that the standard response to my eye contact is to for the other person to dart thier eyes away? Why can't I be surrounded by a gang of friends at all times like everyone else? Why do I feel like people won't like me before I give them I chance to decide for themselves? Why do...
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Looking on the bright side, at least you don't have a bunch of sociopaths for friends (like I did at 20).

How's the bass playing going? Why don't you go down to your local guitarshop and look over the bulletin board for people who are looking for people to jam with, it's worth a shot. ...just a suggestion.

Thanks for joining Pinballs!
Just saying Hello kiss
That's purdy. smile
Ok, I've come to the conclusion that there's two sides to me. The happy, absurd, silly James and the depressed, cynical, mean James. I should give them each thier seperate names and start treating them as seperate entities. Perhaps if I keep it up, they'll actually seperate into different personalities. Then I can have happy James kill depressed James. Depressed James doesn't really deserve to...
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You could always go with photoshopped stick figures. They're stark and impersonal qualities would allow you to present yourself, and your two sides, in a detatched and almost surgical precision.

OK, here's the deal. I am a gamer, I play tabletop RPGs. I sit around a table, with my friends, roll dice, and pretend I'm a ninja or a wild west assassin or a circus pilot. OK? That's what I do with my free time, that's who I am. I'm not ashamed or embarrassed about it, so deal with it.
I'm fucking tired of people...
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You're a nerd, darlin'.

I thought we went over this.
Confession of the Hopeless Romantic #1
there's a girl at work that I want to ask out. She not my usual type, she's not a punk/emo chick. She's just a normal nice girl. Last Friday I was at the grocery store (where I work) buying some cooking supplies. She was stuck outside trying to push some carts inside. She's a cashier so it's not something...
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ahh, you ask the hard hitting questions... good.

The Pinball Wizards is one of the newest groups at SG. We're also in a transitional phase because we've lost our owner. At the moment it looks as if I'm the member most likely to take over ownership.

What do I want to do with the group? Well, I'm still thinking about it. I've been a member of the group for about 4 whole days now. The way I see it, you can introduce whatever topic you wish if you can connect it to Pinball in six degrees or less.
We're like a much less serious Philosophy group, almost anything goes.

If you're the serious type, well, there are plenty of groups you can join where you can find members who take themselves pretty seriously. If you want an avenue to channel some creative nonsense into, there is The Pinball Wizards. And you have an open invitation (this is probably the only time anyone will ever invite you to join their group, don't take my word for it, wait and see for yourself).

D&D is were it's at. So umm....hi. I'm way too shy. So take this: I might be interested in the thing you do. The thing...the comment you left. It sounds fun. EEEEEP!
Went to the nearby RPG store, Avalon, last night around 11pm. This store...how can I say it nicely....ok, they suck. They only carry anime, sci-fi and fantasy based games. And they don't carry GURPS! But at least they're open till 3am, which makes it a convenient place to game when you have nothing better to do on a Saturday Night. Oh and they have a...
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where's avalon at?
Avalon is in the stripmall near McDonalds, KFC, and the Mini-golf place.