Fuck iniana fuck it up its stupid ass! youll never see me again
hey big bird! lets play the countng game. Count the shells sucka duck!

where is everyone? whatever
i'm pretty sure that last one didnt make too much sense but whatever thatll happen from time to time. meanwhile tonight is the weekly get blackout drunk night soo odds are there might be another entry here tonight that makes no sense!

How many people wanna kick some ass? i do! i do ! DONT lay a fucking finger on her shes mine and i...
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Aint that about a bitch? Bong. Fuck yeah fucking got the furst moth fucking A in real college. im about to celebrate by Getting an A tattooed on my ass. just to show the ladies im smart you know! hollla
ever feel like sometimes the things that were once so important to you in life are slowly fading away? like all standards beliefs practices and morals slowly fade as you become jaded with age? where does it stop.. bring it on back
what the fuck was all that about. who the fuck are these people why the fuck did you hug my head? wow i am alive. believe it not i made i s did like Alexander the great before me i survived. i kicked this weekends ass blackeyed ARRR!!!
i am soo tired geting up early everyday is kicking my ass!! hard friggin core. but hey shit happens when you party naked. how is everyone. strange shit has been happening around here and now we have flood warnings and shit. thank you frances

Got syphilis?
hey yall finally got the move shit all done and got the old computer set up. glad to see that no one missed me tooo much. anyway its good to be back i love you all
Back from fishing, warning a gator can and will snap your fishing rod if you are not care. all in all a good time lots of rain though, hurricane devistation and rednecks. my kind of place. moving day is in 2 days yall gonna miss me? kiss
hi guys few more days until moving tme i think i may be headed south to florida for some fishing first. also hurricane chuck lefs a tree in my blind uncles carport so i may have to help with that fishing and constructing screams killer summer vacation after that its off the the west virginia border
330 am i just rolled in off the highway back from boston again. i swear it feels liek i live up there anymore these days. good times though good people good food good fun good brew cant beat it beantown sure does like to party
where the fuck have ai been. i dunno couldnt fucking tell ya . EET was last night again ill be posting pics of the carnage soon. take a look anyone who is interested in spectating or participating let me know. good beer , good food, good people, live bands , and lots of people getting the shit knocked out of them eeek