So I havn't had a chance to upload the pictures yet but I will I promise. I wen to work today eh i hate work. Then I had plans to see my friend whos back from being in Iraq (hes only here for like another week) But being the kind of person he is when I said after I get out of work like around...
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Tattooed today!!! I'll put up pictures later. I got the Emily cat outline on my hip bone and the Alkaline Trio heart with the arrow on the bottom on my toe. Lemme tell ya your toe hurts like hell. I'll post again asap kiss
Lupron shots started. Headaches like what. i feel like shit. Warped tour tomorrow yea!! I can't wait!! wahoo!! Hope everyone had a great weekend
kiss kiss
I start Lupron shots soon. Like in the next couple of days. Hot flashes and menopause here I come Yay! Ooo I got an e-mail about the Bostonbabydolls I'm thinkin about it. It might be cool to do. Hows everyone doing?
Follow up tommorow morning. I'm sooo scared. Its like I want more information but I don't want to find out anything worse then what I already know. Ohh yea and I hate my job right now. I think thats enough bitching for today.
Don't be scaredfrown I think YOU need a teddy bear toobiggrin

Kisses kiss kiss
Ever feel tired of just everything? Thats how I feel. Tired. I'm tired of not feeling good. I think that just makes me tired of everything else along with it. My follow up with the doctor is next Tuesday. Oh well.
I feel that way all the time now...but I think that things are getting bettersmile

Hope you are well hunsmile

Kisses kiss kiss
I had surgery 3 days ago and as expected I feel like shit. They thought I had ovarian cysts but turns out i have endometriosis and it had adhered my left ovary to my abdominal lining. Fucking ouch! This fuckin sux. Means that I haveto go through some treatments for it. Shots every month for 6 months then an ongoing treatment of birthcontroll the kind...
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i am sorry about your findings. I had surgery for ovrian cysts and possible endo. my sonogram showed that most likely i would lose my complete ovary. i started a new treatment for what i have, 3 mnths later they went in and found nothing, no cysts no over growth just a white film covered ovary which was healing well.

It took 2 weeks before i was fully moble. (work wanted me back after a week, i said FUCK NO) it took about 4 or 5 days for me to walk with out looking like an dold person.

dont over do. just rest. everything will work out and consider fining a 2nd GYN before you settle for the treatment they are giving you. sometimes just exploring options helps
surgery at 6am. yay. whatever i'll have some time off work now so i'll update soon to say how everything turned out kiss
hm. Not feeling to much better. Gatta call the doc. tom. and see if he want to set up surgery. My bf is on vacation with his parents and i miss him something awful. I thought it would be good for us to have sometime apart but i miss him soooo bad. I hope ur all doin good kiss oo btw the multiple set today is...
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I know hey? *drools* And they're both Calgary girls (where I'm from)!