sweet jesus!
Lame day at work. One of my nipples is now purple. Here is a video of a sweet band named AIDS Wolf

i love the piercers at planet ink.
they look goood!! what did you think of the pain factor?

where was the last pic taken?
I had an awesome time last night. Thanks to everyone who said hi. Highlights include:

- harry potter torture
- tequila
- pickled cheese
- Mr. Punk World Order himself, aka Tony
- Sketchy dudes in Barefax trying to pick up my lovely escorts aka Annie and Ms. Gillen.
- Stripper performing to NIRVANA!!!
- Random dude on the 95 who tapped my leg to...
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Ooh! Which Nirvana song??? That is hot.
Wow it just sort of hit me. Come the 15th I'll be in a new city for at least a year. kind of scary.

In other news: customers suck, a lot of people are making porn with my camera, and i need to book a date with a needle.

happy being born day!
Happy Birthday. smile
So I finally got around to it and registered Nevermore Filmworks as a business. I now have a Master Business Licence and all that fun stuff.

On the job front Jeff quit as a DM and we have some new guy that started this week. This doesn't reallt affect me since I contacted the DM for the GTA and he was very happy to hear...
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I came back a little early, but I had an awesome time. There is too much for a lazy person like me to type so in point form the most important things:

- awesome people
- awesome adventures
- awesome place for $1100/month that is actually a 105 year old house. We get the main floor and basement. 4 guys are currently living there comfortably...
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looks great!!!

how'd the job/house hunt go?
So I'm debating a huge life choice. Well, a huge life choice for me at least. Today was so hot I started to consider the idea of wearing shorts. Ok that's pretty random, but the thing is I have not worn shorts in public for about 4 or 5 years now. Bringing them back just feels weird, but it's so hot out and I could...
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Haha, I never wear shorts. But then again it doesn't get very hot here. I guess it depends on how hot it is. For me, if it got hot i'd probably just wear capri's. I don't think it's a big deal for you to wear shorts, but I can see where you're coming from on how it'd be weird. Just get boy shorts, ones that go to your knees. Those are alright.

Haha that comment was longer than I intended it to be.
