Have a great new year everyone!
sit here and be still. a wind is blowing....is lifting us...
so now I have one those cool little video cams for the computer, and I have no idea what to do with it. Im sure Ill think of something creative...
With my christmas money so far I have bought a bookshelf and a file cabinet. I needed them. My brother hooked me...
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Hey, i saw you at Tamarind on Sunday night...small world eh?
I've never actually had indian food. I was just there visiting the waitress who works there. I was the really tall guy with longish hair standing by the door if you remember.
The benefit show -llama rama- I believe it was called tonight went great. The crowd was super awesome. We had a great time, and somehow due to timing had the biggest crowd and were the only band to get people screaming for encore. Our joke song called "heroin" went great, people were laughing their asses off, and by the end of the song people were...
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Well, I just finished listenening to the recording of our last practice before the benefit show on the 23rd. Pretty humbling. surreal
So anyway, more beautifully weird dreams full of kangaroos, giant horses the size of buildings, ancient wooden statues, magical portals, etc. I think I am going to go about my night in peace now.
Up late again. I need to deal with this...
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buttery condom covered mormans!!!!
Getting a bit stressed out due to all of projects and studies and events I have going on at once, but I know I can deal with it. I am currently working with Dario Picciau, producer, director, and friend, to bring his movie L'Uovo (The Egg) to the rest of the world. Now that there are so many distributors I am involved with at once,...
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morman, use a condom.
Really strong dreams again. Beautiful and disturbing. I meant to get to sleep early yesterday night, but wound up awake writing music until 7:30 am. I NEED to stop doing that. I want a real sleep schedule back. I want to run around in daylight, not a few frantic moments at dusk.
Well, I got to attend to a song I am writing and then...
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Hi. It has been a wonderful day. I hope all is well with the rest of you.
update:Had full band practice today. We will be performing "Shower Stall", "Driftwood","Chessboard", "Heroin" and covering "National Anthem" and for kicks "Hey Ya" (Outkast). We recorded the heroin song today amongst a few others, and it was frigging hilarious. It will cause 1/4 of the audience to gutt laugh, 1/4 to giggle nervously, wondering if we are absolutely crazy, 1/4 to attempt to get us off...
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wounded healer.
make sure to check out baldur's gate II (shadows of amn), as the first game in the series (tales of the sword coast) isn't half as much fun.
My dreams of late are taking on new life. New worlds. I always think my dreams couldnt get any more detailed and intense, and then they do, every time. Entire worlds, poulations, landscapes, and people inhabit, come and go, appear and dissolve, alive and more real than waking life.
At the very end of a long complex dream a few weeks ago, I was floating...
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I have so many projects going on at once, so much to do, so much to study. I havent played any video games in the last few years, and Im thinking about getting one. But which one?!
If anyone happens to be reading this at random, and has any ideas, please let me know. I cant play any first player games, due to almost instantaneous...
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Is your site still around? Or am I thinking of someone else? It's a site I loved, I know that...but I lost almost all my bookmarks when I got my new computer (my old one freaked out on me)

What console are you using? PC? I'd recommend Baldur's Gate II...it's older but it's so expansive and fun.