Finally in my new apartment for 2 months before I have to move again. My lease expired on my old apartment, so I had to move down to Littleton for like month and then I sub-leased my friend's apartment for the next 2 months while he goes to Chile as an exchange student. I was originally going to take Japanese again this summer and that's...
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god, you should try helping me move all of my shit next time, then you'll really know hatred of moving! wink
the alkaline trio show should work...lemme just get my financial situation in order and i'll give you a definite yes or no in a week or two...the date works so it'll probably work. biggrin

mike park is awesome! he's asian....

moving sucks. i hope to not do it until i graduate.
Filler, so that I could get a new journal entry today. biggrin

My 100 Top Punk Albums:

1 Operation Ivy - Energy
2 Adolescents - Adolescents
3 Jawbreaker - Dear You
4 Descendents - Milo Goes To College
5 Minor Threat - Minor Threat
6 Against Me! - Reinventing Axl Rose
7 Screeching Weasel - Boogadaboogadaboogada
8 Circle Jerks - Group Sex
9 Black Flag -...
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in order? my god...did you just come up with that list today? eeek

yes....keep an eye on the events. the sg people are stark raving mad!!! and lots of fun too.

did you move out of your apartment and are moving back in or did you never move out?
I am alive and have internet access again. I got my wisdom teeth out with out a hitch and then I went to vist my mom in her new house in Peublo. Not to much else happend since the last update than that. I am going to try to make a real effort to update more often. biggrin

The wisdom teeth couldn't have gone any better....
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yeah that party was fun.........more fun then your dental work, i'm afraid wink tongue
i think i meant to trade pictures with everyone but didn't, obviously, since i have like 80 of those things.

it's refreshing to not have internet for a few days...nobody knows where you are or what's going on, muahaha! but then it just gets frusterating.

that was a fun party. you should check out the sgco board. i posted a boulder outdoor cinema event and there may actually be a good turn-out. *crosses fingers* biggrin
Going to get my wisdom teeth out monday, hopefully it won't be that bad. I get an IV (that doesn't look right) of pain killers and then some more painkillers afterwards. I hate pain and I don't espically like knowing that I might be in pain for 2-3 days, but I live. The only thing that worried me is that fact that he has to...
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here's what i don't like about that rec center: it's always busy, the sorority bitch girls, parking sucks, it's always cold, the machines are dirty...i think if i went there more than once in a month, i'd be turned off of working out entirely and i really do enjoy it if the circumstances are perfect.

i'm thinking of taking up jogging or bike riding since they're free.

i suppose if japanese wasn't going to really get you ahead, it would be silly to take it. it would be something to do though.
oh no! if the school won't kill you, the wisdom teeth pulling will! shocked

sorry...for some reason, i feel it's my duty to bug your journal. biggrin

I am done with school for a month and then it's back to summer school for Japanese again. I have never studied that much in my life, normally I am good with a little night before the exam or final and I can pull out a B or A in the class, but not this semester. To add inslut to injury, I...
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nin was awesome!!! i was going to update on it but have actually been busier out of school than when i was in. i'm ready to start vacation now... smile

i got a b+ in one class so far. that's all i know for sure. i bet some more grades are up, since i last looked.

good luck with japanese again! i'm signed up for four summer classes...because...umm...well, because.
I hate school, but it's almost over. Nothing really exciting has happend since the last update. I did great on all of midterms this week and last week, but now I have to study for finals. Why do proffesor make finals 35% of your grade? frown sigh
good luck with the last stretch of school!!

then it's time for some mac tutorials for me!! tongue
pfft....you call that an update? well....i suppose it's better than creepy down there. biggrin

i bet my old roommate is having avs withdrawls as well...she was a "super fan".

taking some more japanese this summer?
shocked did school officially kill you?
good. that guy totally creeps me out. biggrin
I hate school right now, this is the first time that I have really had trouble with anything in school and right now I am having trouble understanding to classes. I have always been smart enough to understand almost anything or at least know enough stuff to get enough points on the test to get a B or higher. But right now in Algorithms and...
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well...there are still two more years to pull your gpa back up even if it does fall before a 3.0, right. that really sucks...i'm sorry.

i might get lower than wanted grades in my classes, but that's only because i haven't exactly been going regularly lately. whatever this last month is so hard to get through!

if you were in environmental studies going down the "environmental analysis" track you too could make maps. i'm actually not too keen on maps but i need to learn geographic informations systems (gis) for my future career plans. so i suppose it's useful.
Yay for me being back and yay for another one of my rants.

I can't tell if the guys that I sit with in all of Computer Science classes, don't like me or if they are just socially retarded. I thought I was pretty good friends with the 3 of them, but then they always doing things outside of class and then don't invite me....
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they don't take very much out in taxes. i know that. why they don't and they used to? i don't know!

i'm getting just a regular side nose piercing. i already have had the septum (middle part) done more than a year ago, but it hides. all the time! and it was really, really painful, which is why i'm not worried about this one!

your situation above sounds like a similar one i had in elementary school. no joke. hence the reason i only have a few really close friends and we're not all part of the same group. sorry, that's all i have to offer! smile
hmmm they may be retards..............
I lied, I was going to leave, but then I realized a couple of things.

1. I hate MySpace.com
2. I will miss the conversations with you guys
3. I'll miss all the weird things I find out on this site
4. It's only like $6 a month, I think I can afford that
5. I don't know what I was thinking
5 1/2. If...
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no problem...i knew you wouldn't leave. no one ever leaves. buahahahahahaha!

coffee is the only thing that'll give me a proper caffeine buzz. i tried to drink a coke yesterday....one of those really little cans....and it gave me a headache and made me irritable. but coffee? now you're talking! biggrin