Tidbits of recent happenings!

Finally! After days of rain and drizzle we finally get some sunshine. This makes a joyous Justin.

sooo what's with lesbians suddenly and sincerely asking me for my manly essence so they can become pregnant? I don't really think I'm keen with someone having and rearing my kid... They have some available backup sperm, though, so all is well with the...
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yeah, my film professor told me about the Lips playing at the state fair. to be honest, that kind of freaks me out, because the previous best gig at the state fair was Weird Al.. and that is not saying much.

I might just go, though, and be all freaked out, because I like them Flaming Lips.
Gear Daddies? aren't they a local band, anyway? or were at some point? I don't keep up with these things.
That's right, bitches! I successfully conquered student teaching and next week I fucking gradgitate from college. as magna cum laude, no less. The dominant attitude upon graduation? meh. My fingers have been printed and by the end of May I'll be fully licensed to teach Language Arts (English, literature, communication, media, reading, writing, etc.) to children from grade 5 to 12. ....spooky.

so what's my...
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Not if I fist shake at you first!


bok cock
you should totally go to Japan & teach English. that would rock.
8th grade girl: How old are you?
Me: Guess
8gg: 20...21...22...23...?
Me: Yep, 23.
8gg: Oh. So you're illegal then.
Me: Yes...yes, I am illegal.

I think what she meant was that she was illegal.
I shared that only because I found it humorous that an 8th grader would say such a thing. I prefer women whose attempts at writing a simile don't result in...
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I don't know what it was about Sleeper, I just found myself being annoyed the entire time I watched it.

I don't think I could handle teaching. At least not those age groups. You must be a saint.
i read that Bartleby was based on a short story, and there's also an older verion of that movie, but i really liked this one.
i didn't know it was hard to find though. but then, i pretty much buy everythin off the net, so i always find what i'm after. thank fuck for Amazon! (and others similar sites..)
"Le Matin" by Yann Tiersen.

"Let us walk hand-in-hand down the cobblestone roads of Italy while eating gelato."
i know that i've shown you this before, but here is a clearer (albiet oranger) pic of my tat

whitelight was commenting on http://suicidegirls.com/boards/Everything+SG/93608/

and i guess she said some things that SG found inapropriate...lame like whoa
My first attempt at writing a Shakespearean sonnet:

Before the Coming End

With hair and eyes askew, my friend confides
To me. Her lips whisper the words but I
Cannot hear the sad secret that resides
Within her lungs, the cancer: she will die.
Why must my friend from me be taken, torn?
The rage within me grows because today
Denotes the start of my...
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ta for the comment! i finally did it woohooo! biggrin
i bet someone will email you the pics...if not, you should bust some kneecaps!

i guess that rotten milk is sealed off pretty well, but you should probbaly just toss the whole thing into a bag and dump it into a trashcan that isnt in your room (cuz if its still in your room, you wouldnt actually solve the problem). and dont open it to sniff out of curiosity. just throw it away!

do you have ihops out your way? i didnt think it was strictly an east coast thing...also, do you have a fast food place called "sonics"? we dont, but they have them down south and theyre pretty good...old school drive in food style, except without waitresses on rollerskates

that other holopohoner expisode was good too. most of futurama is good. one particular "Aww" moment that i recall is when bender adopts all those orphans to get $, and when he finally gives them back to the orphanage, they give him a picture that he crumples up...but after they leave, he uncrumples it and sticks it to the inside of his chest cabinet w/ a banana magnet...AWWW!

after wingdings, there will be WEBDINGS! hahaha!!! whill the apocolypse ever come? i think not...

i dont understand how someone can hate books. thats so harsh,books never did anything to hurt you. i heart books. i remember when i was a lil kid, my mom would take me to the library at least twice a week (depending on the week) and let me borrow 6 books...i couldnt borrow anymore books until i finished the 6 books. i was constantly going through books cuz i would ALWAYS want to borrow more than 6 books at a time, so my mom would write down the call numbers and we'd borrow them after i finished the first 6...sigh.

if i get bored enough, maybe ill make a penguin emoticon...maybe not. probably not.

not much is new with me. went out for fresnel's birthday w/ her parents and our friends. it was basically a free night out cuz her parents paid for us. amazing.

i hope your spring break rocks, even though you dont seem to be doing much out of the ordinary. perhaps you should grab amy and go for a road trip...DO IT!

ohh yeh, now i remember that picture!!! gosh psylockes so hot...but who are the other girls supposed to be?!
fatigued. stressed. exhausted.

a drink would be nice but there are grades to record.

Sweet and Lowdown is a great movie.
Woody Allen's done some spectacular shit.
and I'm losing patience with David Lynch.

more to come someday when I can find a spare second.
we await your future posting...

now don't work yourself too hard!
holy cow that was QUITE a rant about sleepy hollow. i have nothing moreto add to it, but i feel your pain.

sorry to hear that your v for vendetta crowd experience was less than awesome. i ran into a friend from high school at the hills have eyes, so i guess i cant complain.

your idea about preserving you so that you can hold my bowl of chip sounds pretty good, i might have to take you up on that offer.

i heart cocoa pebbles, occoa puffs, golden grahms, frosted flakes...and honey comb. i dont like those marshmellow bits though, they never did much for me.

i heart teen titans! i wish it were still on...theres just something about its style and the way its drawn that makes me want to sit around and watch. do you know if Pokemon is still on? if it is, im amazed

my spring break went well. spent a few days at home, then proceeded to drive south to virginia w/ two friends for a Motion City Soundtrack concert. we stayed one night w/ my friend joe's uncle. that was ok. they had a dog that was awesome and friendly, so all was well. the next day we drove all the way across virgnia and found a hotel at virginia beach...our balconey overlooked the beach. AWESOME! we were originally gonna spend the night at joes cousins dorm, but she turned out to be super lame so we left promptly. andi nstead had a good time in VA beach. friday we went to our concert, then got some beers and just hung out in our room having a gay ol time. it was good...there were plenty of clubs and bars to go to, but my friends are underage and none of us really care for that scene anyway. hopefully, ill get my pictures developed soon...

how has your week been? the 007 sounds like an awesome time. seriously.

brendan small posed for playgirl? weird..i might have to investigate this.
"Snog" has got to be the most disturbing word for "cuddle" or "snuggle" or "spoon" or whatever. it's just not a pleasing word.

By the by, what's with people spelling "weird" as "wierd"? Are people trying to spell it different because that particular word shouldn't be spelled correctly since a word that means "oddity" should be odd itself? I mean, I know it's "I before...
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oof, i dont really want to get into a discussion about transexuals and gender stereotypes. i see no end in sight if that gets started.

i hope amy does a knock out job performing in a couple of weeks. im expecting you to post pictures!

poor brendan small ::hangs head in shame::

i was having the same problem w/ creatively writing our fights out. its been a hwile since ive just written for fun and i was ALL OVER the place w/ ideas...it was a bit crazy. in general, i dont smoke. i dont smoke pot, cigarettes or cigars, but every now and then i will smoke a hookah since one of my friends works (bartends) at a hookah bar and if im drunk and someone has them, i will smoke cloves. its weird. i dont know.

it snowed a shitload over here last night. over a foot, largest snow nyc has seen since 1950 something. crazy. i was in jersey for the weekend and i had to help my dad dig out of the driveway so i could get to the train station and come back to school. too much physical activity for me, ive met my quota for the month.

tomorrow night (monday night) im gonna rent and watch Rize with some friends. it ought to be interesting. different dance genres were always interesting to me. hopefully, we will also have hot cocoa...mmmmm followed by a sleepover!!! and we'll do our nails and talk about boys we like and have nearly naked pillow fights...wait...i didnt mean most of that. skull

anyways, im glad your supervisor observation went well. maybe if its a woman observing you, you could show a lil skin...or does that only work for girls??

edited to add:
also!!! where is my mix cd?!?

[Edited on Feb 12, 2006 11:29PM]
heh who knows...he had better still be wade though
Christmas and New Year's came and went. If I were to make a resolution I guess it would be to expand my lexicon without having it sound contrived or me sounding pretentious. and to experiment creatively. and to eat my body weight in marshmallow peeps.

Christmas was tedious as usual and New Year's was spent at a party out in the boonies where you could...
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remember wade was trying to hold back...

fabian didn't like this issue, didn't feel up to par, im trying to porve him right or wrong, please send a review
peeps make tossing-bile-cookies sounds in the scraps of my unbirthdayed mind.

i'm afraid of the crazed belligerance and utter annoyance that would ensue if i were to ever teach children, or high schoolers, or try to delineate the acceptable line between teaching 7th vs. 6th grade. good luck.
I have a crack in my toe, a benign lump in my boob, and a goatee sliver in my hand.

It turned out that it wasn't the voodoo lady who was responsible for this but instead Mr. Boots, the adorably obese kitty cat of unspeakable horror who would like nothing more than to feast upon your deliciously decadent thought waves (buffet style) by using his...
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It's the same way with me, too!
I am just as busy as I was at school. blast! Seemingly with no time to simply laze about. oh well...

And Yes, Give me Brokeback Mountain, now!!
hey, im only briefly on the comp checkin SG so i wanted to say im not dead or anything, but i cant reply to your post or comment at this point in time and probably wont until im back in NYC for the semester...happy new years cockball! bok

The Iliad
The Odyssey
The Aeneid
The Inferno (and probably The Purgatorio and The Paradiso, although I didn't get to read a whole lot of them)
Paradise Lost (for the second time)

GENIUS!! FUCKING GENIUS! Each and every one of them.
GENIUS!! And I'd love to read each of them again even more meticulously.
BUT CHRIST am I glad that I'm done reading that crap....
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shhh...dont tell anyone that im going to spraypaint stuff. thatll ruin my image!!!

my recurring dreams are best not discussed on sg. feel free to ask me bout them via IM. its nothing lurid, special or embarassing..id just rather not discuss this via comment.

i enjoy hanging out till the wee hours of the morning w/ good friends. ive been doing the same as you. just chilling havin fun and not caring. sigh, good times indeed.

i didnt know christmas was a week away until you told me. i still have to get a secret santa gift for my friend whitelight. but shhh you didnt hear that!!!

have you tried doin the whole winter sport thing? i understand it isnt for everyone, i got started early in life on them though..so i guess its for me. perhaps you should learn to dogsled! thats winter related and you get dogs!! what more do you need? sounds like a good idea to me, you should get started on that plan of mine...

its cool that your friend jason is home. its nice to see old pals again. i wont see my best pals until new years frown

ive never listened to death cab for cutie either, but ive heard pretty good comments about them. ::shrug::

my comment was equally as lame as yours, im just feeling kinda blah tonight.

talk to you soon ass hat
ugh last night i drank a bit too much and ended up not being a happy camper...as a result, i missed sayin goodbye to fresnel before she left this morning. im such a bad roommate.

i got whitelight two concert tickets for a show that im pretty sure she likes...deerhoof. ever hear of them? i never heard their music, but ive heard of them. anywho, i think she'll like the tickets...at least i hope she will.

i was 100% serious about the dogsled idea...no i wasnt....i just thought itd be funny.

i was supposed to make ginger bread cookies, but i never got around to it. im not really much for baking or cooking...which is sad...sigh, someday ill figure out the mystery of the kitchen

we gave our kitty a trip to the vet. she loved it....not. at least now she is vaccinated and such. shes currently in mississippi w/ fresnel for the holidays. even cats need a vacation away from home.

family guy on sunday was pretty funny. church of the fonz..what a ridiculous idea! hahaha!

well, i have an exam in and hour that i should probably start studying for...teehee. later ass hat

oh, if i dont get a chance to poke around online, happy holidays and such!
woo! Thanksgiving break was relatively unproductive. I spent four days going out and three of them in smokey ass bars. I don't mind the occasional smokey bar, especially if it's the Artists' Quarter, but the bar scene got real old real quickly.

On Thanksgiving night, Amy and I went to some girl's birthday party at a gay bar and celebrated with some good old fashioned...
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i know huh. i went to post something in it and poof. oh well
its funny...during finals you stop responding to sg and i assume avoid the internet all together. when im doing finals, i definetly notice an upswing in internet usage...i get distracted too easily i suppose.

some homeless people have pride and dont want to seek help...this is something ive learned living in nyc. makes me sad...

the most successful beggers are the ones you least suspect. in one of the parks near my apt, there is a guy who goes around asking people for a quarter or dime for the pay phone. he dresses like a decent person and plenty of people give him $...

your Package restaurant idea intrigues me. although, i think i might be a bit weirded out if i ate there just cuz i dont want to think about my food being near someones crotch. ew...crotch food

i havent seen the trailer for x3 yet, but im definetly going to see it when it comes out. phoenix is in it and she was pretty bad ass. also, i hear gambit will be in it which is something thats been a long time coming. remy lebeau...sigh...

ive got one essay out of three done so far. theyre due on tuesday. too bad the essay i finished was the short/easy one. damn, doom still awaits me...