Here lieth a Phoenix, by whose death
Another Phoenix life gave breath:
It is to be lamented much
The world at once ne'er knew two such
I'm glad that you enjoyed photo 41. I hope it treats you well wink
lets update on my life

so far..I've taken out my braids...I want to get black and electric blue straight hair extentions
I've made a bad ass resume!! hopefully that gets me somewhere with a job

I sent out a Certified letter to my old job stating i wanted my checks mailed to me...
I was advised that was the first step before going to...
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It makes me ever so sad to see how prominate racism still is in this day and age.
it never hits you till it happens to you.
I've never been one to say

that the only person you can trust is yourself

but seems like it should be my new motto. Its as if whenever i get happy or I think that things are going to get better, something goes wrong.

There is so much other shit going on in my life....and then I lose my job.Over some bullshit! FUCK YOU. Thats...
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My Boyfriend is being deployed in October.
He is going to Iraq,until may '09
whoa- thats news to me. I have a few good friends that were once boyfriends up there..... Its hard to do, but just dont watch the news.. then it makes it worse, well at least for me it did. Hope that you have a good day and no that there is always someone watching out for you love
well after a fabulous day at work. ( I got to run the office) I went home and got my industrial. It is soooooo cool!!!!
yes!!! lmao. all those patients in there got to be my bitch. There is this one really hot guy named Mitchell, who I think is so adorable and i always tell him I am going to take him home and keep him in my pocket. Things have been good though, I had been planning a new set but with this no car business, it kinda shot it to hell ><
do it like you're getting fit for a bra smile
HouseWarming Party

Greg and I moved into our new apartment. It is so cute and it is in my name, so if he starts misbehaving then I can kick him out!!! lmao
so we decided that we are going to throw a a house warming party and hopefully we can get the things that we need!! I am hoping to do a set soon because...
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Life in General seems to be going okay. I got approved to move into our new apartment, which is in my name. However I am being charged an extra 200 dollars because of my background (yes folks I am a semi, excon). Sujey wants greg and I to throw a house warming party, which actually is not a bad idea. I am currently at my...
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Our car exploded.

well, not literally, it just pooped out on us and now we have no mode of transportation and while greg has a way to work on monday...I don't....I am so fustrated right now because we have no money...the bus doesn't run into humbled and... I have bad credit which means...no car.....argh! mad frown frown
Happy Belated birthday to me!

For those who didn't know it. Yesterday was my birthday and I turned 20
huzzah the death of the teenager. My boyfriend took me to the zoo because I had never been to one and then threw me a suprise party which was really sweet. What made it even better was the fact that we were having some issues earlier...
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woop woop! when are you gonna do another photoset? i think that you should've done one at the zoo
That would be awesome,You think the zoo would do it? well I mean there was a wedding being set up at the zoo when I was there..so maybe