I'm thinking maybe I should stop drinking.

I woke up again this morning in a place I didn't recognize, with people I didn't know, and I had no idea how or when or why I got there in the first place.
I just feel lucky I didn't wake up in the hospital. Again.

This week is gonna be my sober week. I bought books; I'll...
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une semaine de rhydratation c'est un bon choix.
Et en ce qui concerne mon taf de servuse de glace,s il fait pas frais.
Les conglos jectent une chaleur pas possible.
Rien que d'y penser j'ai chaud. ahh.
Je pensais faire la mme chose... It SO didn't work wink
*uncorks bottle* ARRR!!!
My brain hurts.
It's so fucking hot in here.
I have to work with people whose IQs are less than their shoe size.
I haven't been sober two days straight since the start of the summer.

Good things though. I've been jamming with a couple bands lately, which might lead to some live action by the end of the summer.
Next week I have a...
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Rhalala, je crois bien que je suis sale quand je suis bourre...
Pour le coup, contente de t'avoir rencontr, mme si ce fut bref et alcoolis :]
A bientt kiss
ha l l je te cherche partout !!! t'es pas dans mes friends toi ?
j'arange a tout de suite. wink
j'ai une autre photo de toi presque la mme mais un peu diffrente quand mme... biggrin
viens voir dans mes pics c'est dans attachement. tu verras, il y en a 2 de toi.
moi pas adsl, a met une plombe frown

pas trop vomi partout aprs ? tongue

kiss puke kiss puke kiss
Hey, it's been a long time since I last wrote something in here.
It's spring now; the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and the beer is flowing.

If cats have nine lives, how many lives does a human have ? Given what's happened to me last month, I'd have to say at least two. To make a long story short, I crashed my...
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tu veux pas essorer le ptit chat? jcrois qu'il respire encore...
merci merci comment a va??
We're gonna give ya
A punk rock christmas this year
And I'm gonna give you
A nice sweater all ripped to shreads,
Get mum and dad a sheet
Get some safety pins for their cheeks
It gonna be
A punk rock christmas this year


Happy holidays, get wasted, try not to kill anyone.

combined with keeping france as secular as possible (something i staunchly agree with), and things like some charities purposely serving pork so homeless jews couldn't eat it
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
All work and no play...
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Happy holidays!
I started playing bass again this week. Now my fingers are bleeding. My left hand is so sore that I can't even jerk off anymore.

On the plus side, this has given me opportunities to get to know my neighbours. I have thus discovered that the man living in the next room sleeps during the night (what a freak, honestly...) and that it is therefore...
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That's a pretty rad sombrero. If I found a sombrero that cool just lying about in the street, I'd consider myself damn lucky (if much less surprised, given that I live in southern California).
Hi! Just wanted to say that i totally agreed with you on that yay punk thread... Down with the sex pistols! Who cares what that nerdy student uncovered while 'researching' punk.Who does that??? gimme a fucking break! I wanted to tell you that before, but I forgot. Anyway...

P.S. This will sound horribly stupid, but does 'Quest- ce que je dois faire' mean anything??When I was young and dramatic I used to exclaim it in upsetting circumstances, and I have no idea if it actually is a sentence.. I think I thought it meant "What do you want me to DOOOO?"So stupid, I'm sure

[Edited on Dec 16, 2005 5:25PM]