I'm doing what I'll refer to as the "Happy Aaron Dance". God damn my buddy Peter is a freaking genius. We finished our work on recording the vocals for a beach boys-like song, and it turned out utterly fantastic. Some horns, strings, guitar, and piano have to be recorded still, but even without those, and unproduced vocals, it sounds utterly amazing. I'm just boucing up...
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Awesome!! I can't wait to hear it
Some days you feel like a god, and some days you are a god. I've elevated beyond just feeling like one. Had a great recording session last night with my buddy Peter who I've got the highest respect for. He wrote this beachboys like song, and I've been figuring the vocals out for it and such. Its turning out to be purely awesome. Then we...
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So my sister left to go home to Nebraska today. I'd imagine that I'd finally get some rest and such, but unfortunately I'm starting to record for my friend's masters project at Emerson. Several nights of overdubbing voice for her filmed musical. It should be simple enough, but in that time I also need to write beach boy harmonies for another song that my friend...
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Feeling much better this week. Had a glorious weekend, and coming up soon I'll be doing some studio recording for to overdub someone's voice in a musical. It'll be weird being both a character and a voice in a musical. Hearing my voice come out of someone else that I'm sitting at a table with ... weird.

My little sister arrives tonight, and its gonna...
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I've got a temperature. I'm mildly hallucinating. My voice is going away. My body is aching. Today is not a good day.

I think I'm going to leave work early, and fall asleep on my bed at home until I feel better.

-aaron puke
So I can officially say I got laid thanks to the assistance of my cab driver. There's a lesson to be learned from the situation, you tip someone well, you never know how they may thank you.

So I walked the girl to her door after hoping out of the cab, and then the cabbie rolled up next to us, and essentially ordered the girl...
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You know, I'm not sure what it is about Ben Folds, but his music just amps me up. I was in the shower this morning listening to him, and I just start bouncing around and singing along. I just love the little psycho's music.

I've started reading the bood Dune this week. It was hard to start off, but now that I'm further into the...
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Last night I got some most fantanstic news. My buddy who I've known longer than anyone in my life outside my family directed a film that has just been accepted into the NY International Independent Film Festival. Its rather exciting, and I'm quite thrilled with the prospect of seeing his premiere in NY and watching his name cross the film screen. Quite an exciting moment...
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So last night I lost at poker yet again. It was rather dissapointing considering the substantial lead I had when there were only 3 of us left. Oh well, a little too drunk and reason tends to fly out the window. I had a lot of fun, and my whiskey dinner was quite fantastic, a little bit of The Balvinie Doublewood and a little bit...
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I'm having a happy and cheesy day today. I'm singing silly musical songs, wearing a Hawaiian shirt, and just happy as can be. As I was leaving the house today, I decided I wanted a book to read on the train, so I grabbed one. While reading it on the train, I turn the page and a dollar falls out. Its just one of those...
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Nice to read that you're doing well, friend.
Things are never as terrible as my brooding journal entries make them out to be. Drama makes for a good read.

You're a doll.
Holy crap its been a rough week. On Saturday, I helped my buddy Peter move his girlfriend into his apartment in Somerville. Wasn't too rough of a move, and afterwards we grilled out and drank some really fantastic beers. I had no idea the liquor store in Porter Square had such a nice selection of fine beers to take advantage of. While purchasing, when I...
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What other operas did you pass along?

What is your favorite opera?
I'll have to try the Jello trick sometime.

Third Act of La Boheme? Fuck it. I always lose it.
Last night while waiting for the bus to go hang out with bcguitar33, an old woman came out of TJMaxx. She first asked me if I would be willing to sit on the other side of the bench, for reasons I wasn't entirely sure of, but it had something to do with the tree overhanging that part of the bench, which would have made...
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