Stayed up way too late last night while currently being addicted to Reaper Season 1 that is on Hulu. Excellent show. I don't know how I missed it when it was on before. So yeah...stayed up watching Reaper, drank too many beers, passed out and woke up late. Luckily I don't have to worry too much about getting into the office a little later than...
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Wow...long time since I have been back. It seems like life went extremely slow when I was laid off but now since I have been working at a new production house at a much higher level, the year has just passed me by. Looking forward to the holidays and some time off from work, although there really is no time off as I have 3...
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Well I have been gone for sometime but now things seem to be getting back on track job wise, working steadily. Now if I can just get my social life figured out. Too many nights out by myself because friends are all busy as hell, or married or with their girlfriends. Now that the weather is nice I am excited to go out more but...
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Job Hunting


Lay off

Down sizing

Pay Cut

Let Go


Not available at this present time...

frown frown frown
happy belated birthday smile
i hope you find a job. i know how hard it is in that industry frown
good luck
you're welcome smile
and thanks i feel a lot better the last few days i hope that will last at least until christmas smile

how did you celebrate your birthday?
hope you had a blast
My reel is done MY REEL IS DONE!!! I have been putting off making this monster of a demo reel for myself for almost 2 years ( basically the time with my ex mad ) And now I am finished in about 3 hours!! I am so damn excited and I might post some of the videos, other than the ones already up, in my videos...
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congrats smilesmilesmile
Woohoo! Congratumalations! Now what will you do with all the free time??
What a crazy strange, frustrating and tiring weekend. I am emotionally and physically spent. frown
I am looking in all the wrong places apparently, I really wonder if online dating sites actually work at least for a decent date and not just some random evening fling...although those are a hell of a good time too.
I am so excited for this

My pleasure, dear! biggrin
thank you hun for commenting my set!!! i am thankful for all your support!! i am glad you liked it.. i havent heard from you in a while what are u up to?
Ok so here I am again, going on 3am at work, probably sleeping on the couch here, waiting...that's all. I really want to go out to Exit and have a few but I am more tired than anything. Just...I don't know anymore...I long to go home to someone, curl up next to someone and relax but alas...that is not my place at the moment. My...
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awwweeee well thank you... i am glad you think sooo casue i had braces for a long while in highschool and hated them and then i had a retainer and i dont really wear it so i feel like my teeth are kinda slipping back... so you made my day!!! thanks!!
My legs are killing me. I was a dancing machine over the weekend at wedding number 3 for the year. I don't know what got into me, but I danced my ass off and had a blast. Now back to the daily grind, until I go to wedding number 4 on Friday in Memphis. This should be a fun one.
thanks for the nice comments....cant wait for it to come out so you can see the whole set!!