Merry Christmas everyone! I hope Santa brings you your hearts desires this year. xx
Yeah I'm quite the bookworm it's just one facet of my inherent geekiness, although it has to be said I have a ridiculous amount of books on the please read me pile, one of the downsides of reading several on going series as well as everything else.

Hope you had a good Christmas squire.

So it's 2011...when the shit did that happen?!wink
Found out yesterday that someone i had as a friend on here was a fake profile and messed a few people round quite a bit... So if you get an invite from BlackonBlack don't accept it. seems they are a scammer who has stolen photos from someone else entirely. Oh the joys of the internets. blackeyed

otherwise im grand and will get a proper blog on...
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Dodgy scammers have invaded SG now you say, oh joys.

Well as you can from my photo's I have plenty of snow if you want some.biggrin
Ha, I expect so.

True but my dodgy experiences on SG are scant and few compared to the primordial swamp that is the rest of the internets.

off to watch some loud bang bangs and stand by a mahussuve fire!! biggrin win time!
Cakes rock!smile
I know it takes my epic previous blog away but i need to share this with everyone...

it makes me feel all gooey and nice inside.
Well well well its sure been a long time since i put a proper blog on here that's for sure.

So what have i been up to? Geez, you tell me, its more like what haven't i been up to, seems that music has taken over my small humble existence at the moment, I have 2 yes that's 2 DJ nights coming up that i...
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Just Passed my Driving Test! THE WORLD IS NOT PREPARED!!!!! biggrin haha I'm happy if you haven't guessed!
Well done you...I hope you have a set of decent tunes to play in your car whilst you cause mayhem on the road?!wink
So out tonight on a Sabotage themed fancy dress night. Time to break out the aviators and shave the handlebar tash back in again! niiice! should be hella fun me thinks. smile

oh had more tats done too and i am a very happy bunny with them! I shall post pictures when they are fully healed etc. smile yay! love
Thanks for agreeing with me _seph_! And how ace is that video? But are the giant "Intergalactic" monsters a little cooler?wink
Ive totally just re-discovered the Deftones Album "white pony" wasn't a favorite of mine when it was released 10 years ago but BOY how stupid i was. its just fucking [EPIC] lovelove

Thank you for the positive comment on my set "SPF 5000" in member review, it was sweet of you, I appreciate it! <333
What a weekend! biggrin thoroughly enjoyed this one shame its all back to the drudgery of normal life as of tomorrow. frown ah well. gotta take the good times with the bad.
Do tell, what have you been up to?
Well Today was a good day. Feeling much much better thank i did yesterday evening. I think it must be those boring Sundays where i am left to lament and stagnate on my own insecurities that are the problem. Lets just hope I pass my Driving test tomorrow morning so i can take those Sundays and do something useful with them and go out and...
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I would really like to be in it, even if you can only see the back off my head from a distance lol It would be so much fun biggrin Hopefully they come to the South Island or they give a bit more notice so I can save some money for the trip tongue
There's time because they still need to get 'the green light' (as said in the article) but they are getting prepared for when they get one smile Hope they do because it's been quite a while already, Guillermo del Toro is no longer directing the movie frown
Loneliness is a bitch. I think that I have finally realised how lonely i really am. How much That i have changed in recent times, or is it more how much that everyone else has changed around me but i just don't know at the moment which is true, That is a conundrum that i have to work out on my own time i think....
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