My Proposed Facebook timeline when it comes out:

Sometime January 1974: I'm conceived by immaculate conception, cause we know parents don't "do it", that's just...weird. Scientist dispute this fact...they are wrong.

July 1974: My mom is undoubtedly wearing bright polyester leisure suit or bell bottoms, has a hormonal imbalance making her crave pickles and watermelon. I believe these things are a direct link to why...
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You're welcome smile
After year off, I decided to give Suicide Girls another go smile
Sons of Anarchy...

I could handle a life of outlaw bikerness..

minus the shootings, stabbings, being burnt, set on fire, falling off a bike, and death...

hot chicks with tattoos is a plus...

I'd ride a vespa trike...just to confuse people...

thank you for the love on my set! appreciate it a lot xoxokiss
So it's been a while since I last blogged.

New happenings around me.

Work is going well, this hurricane on the east coast has everything a little crazy since I work in Boat insurance. But, my promotion kicks in this October, which is going to be pretty great, double my current salary, flex time, and a chance to fly around the country to different boat...
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Once again, I believe myself reaching a moment of clarity only to find myself more confused and feeling like a Jackass.
So...it was a incredibly long day today. Seeing how I didn't get much sleep last night probably had something to do with it.

So, it's about 10:30 pm and my phone rings and it's a friend of mine I have known since I dunno...the 4th grade or something. She lives in Savannah, Ga., and we keep in touch through text, email and phone..about twice of...
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A little "Austrian Death Machine" for you.

well I survived another day. So that's a plus.

and Converse has new Metallica Chuck Taylor's.

Metallica Chuck Taylors
Fish Fry tomorrow, not a bad way to end the weekend. Fish, Beer and Friends.

Sometimes, I just don't understand women. I dated a girl for a couple of months, everything seemed to be going good and she just kinda disappeared on me. I know life gets complicated, things with work, kids (she has them, I don't) and family issues can put a strain on...
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thanks for the comment on my set