Back in LA again.

Luckily, there was no major traffic delay for once. Which for me and my moods, is a good thing.

Had a good time with the kids, albeit rather short.

For Halloween Nathan is going as a cloaked figure with dual swords. I'm guessing this is WoW themed. Connor on the other hand is going as Wolverine. Personally I think he needs...
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Drinking Coconut Porter

Just saw THIS

Watching Quarantine on Netflix

And the AC is wonderful.

That is all.

I'm all packed up for San Diego, even though I really can't afford to go down there.

My room-mate is back from China finally. Give them the weekend to "catch up" so-to-speak without me around.

Today just kinda sucked for the most part.

I'm gonna download the Brutal Legend demo and check it out.

Other than that, maybe work on my NIN photo's. We'll see.

I'm kinda computered out.
Hahaha I'm not scared
Hahaha I will when I can lol
Today was all sorts of stupid on a ton of levels.

I'm going to medicate and retreat into the last little bit of wine I have left.

I think I'm finally done cooking for the day/week.

Just finished making some chicken korma w/jasmine rice and sugar snap peas, brown rice pasta alfredo w/ mixed veggies, another avocado pie, and guacamole from the leftover avocado's. The ...only problem is I don't have chips. The dishes I made for lunch and dinner for the week.

I also did 3 laps around the park today...
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Laundry sucks tongue
That's all I've been doing all damn day!
While you're at it - you can come here and do mine tongue
I just finished making an avocado pie.

Just took some meds.

About to shoot back a sample of Gentleman Jack (yet to try it).

Sipping on Sam Adams Oktoberfest.

BBQing up some bratwurst.

Now all I need is a good book/music/backyard environment.
Wowee! Thank you! That sounds yum!
And I noticed my comment went in the wrong place, hmm, sorry! lol
A game that I worked on this year was released today. Wet. Tell me the main character in that graphic on the left side of the screen doesn't look a wee bit like Odette.

Anywho... The game itself is pretty fun. I'm about to play some here in a sec after I finish eating my very tasty dinner curry chicken on a bed...
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That was odd.

In bed and asleep by 8pm and only woke once at 3am to say "wtf?!" then back to sleep till 7am.


Got my Soma FM support package in the mail yesterday. Sporting my new shirt today. Woot!


Picked up a book lastnight on the Python programming/scripting language. Should be interesting. Hopefully I can pick it up and branch out into...
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30 minutes till the season 2 finale of True Blood. Can't fucking wait!! I haven't been this amped for a show since BSG!!

Anywho, time to medicate and drink some more coconut porter.

And also a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jennifer!! Hope it was a great weekend for you both.
(and I have your present sitting here at the house).

It's nice to have a couple nights of a house free of people, but c'mon!!!

Cleaning is not fun. It's a necessary evil.

Aww that would suck
There's a party tonight that I "might" go to.

They plan on playing this drinking game that I've never heard of before.

Wizard Sticks or "Battle of the Wizards" or whatever you want to call it. It's really quite nerdy, but awesome at the same time.

Speaking of beer.......I bought a 4 pack of Maui Brewing Co.'s Coconut Porter, and holy shit is it awesome!...
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