Hmm, what's new what's new. Got my first couple days off here, so have been taking it easy. Just did some laundry and cleaned up the place a little. Got work tomorrow so taking some time out to BS a little here.

Pretty boring week, no comparison to Mardi Gras hehe. Got my second computer up and running, so now I can do more with...
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I am FINALLY commenting! smile I didn't know how to read other peoples journals and comment before, I'm still getting used to the site. But anyway, I was supposed to go to Shampoo last night and didn't make it out. I'm feeling really antisocial lately. So please, don't take offence to my not answering your replies. It's just a phase I go through. Anyway, I have to know, what is the Simpsons thing all about? I don't think I know it. I'm outta the loop, so share!? smile TTYL!
Welcome me back to the land of the living! After a long hiatus, I have returned! What have I been up to you ask, oh intrepid readers?? Well, I shall tell you.

Got a new job, guess that's first on the list of things I did. Now I sell matresses. Oh I know, it sounds nuts doesn't it, like, who does that? Surprisingly enough it...
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LOL yourself. I would have taken the beads if you'd offered them to me. I was showing enough cleavage that I think I fulfilled the bead earning requirement. Lucky getting to go on a trip. My big trip for the year is to Balitmore for an anime convention. And I'll look for you next week. My name is Jenny, you can call me that or Kitty. I don't care just don't call me anything mean. I was the girl on the wall in the long black skirt and corset top. In case you didn't already know that. But yes I do recognize you from last night. That's another thing I like about being on the wall... I'm short and I can see everyone from up there. miao!!
I elect you my new bodyguard <3.
Well, I went out to the club last night. For those of you NOT from the Philly area, "The Club" is Shampoo, on Wednesday nights. It's been the club home of the Philly Goth/Industry scene for oh...4 years? About that. At any rate, it was a good night. I got to meet my first SG girl, Squeak!

Little background info. I was poking around the...
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i've only been to shampoo a couple of times, years ago. don't think you know me from there. but if i didn't mind clubs so much, i'd be doing the same as you. only i don't dance. nothing even approaching a dance... maybe pogo... heh.

but hey, i like meeting new people too. thanks for saying hi!
thanks. i added you to my aol list and were i not about to pass out, i'd say hi. but then i'd get all chatty and miss a chance to actually get some sleep. (don't usually sleep untill seven-ish)

so i'm going to send a friend request to you. hope you don't mind. i'm not usually so forward, but i think i'll enjoy talking with you.
Well, it's 4:30, and I feel like shit. I just dropped off one of my best friends, Tom, at home, and it was probably the last time I'm gonna ever see him. He's in the Army, and he volunteered to be part of a special task force that identifies and defuses bombs! He gets deployed to Fallujah (spelling) the second week of December. Not only...
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i have a friend like that. every time something bad happens to me (usually emotionally), he's always there to help me sort through things. it really means a lot to me. we're so much alike, we share a brain.

i'm usually not home on the weekends. i try to be active then because i go crazy sitting at home. :d last night i won a entire game of poker for the first time. go me.
i'm not sure how useful the prayers of a fallen angel are - but they're with you and your friend and my friend and all of them. i hope you don't mind that i hate this war. i kind of hate all war - but hatred is what brings about war - that's what get's the people behind it anyway. usually it's about greed. oh fuck. there i went again.

my thoughts are with you and your friend and all of us....