Feeling exhausted.

I've been feeling overworked lately at my job because we've been understaffed to the point of working on less than a skeleton crew. Waking up at 4:30am every morning to go to to that is wearing me down. Combine that with my ex and I still fighting all the time... Long story I won't go into in public. I've just felt so drained....
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Thats awfulfrown I know its hard to do but try and find a little bit of time each day to do something small for yourself (even if its just half an hour long), do relaxing things and things that make you happy. It might sound girly but things like warm drinks and good food really can give you an extra boost. If you find you are having trouble sleeping through the night you should try taking a natural sleepy aid like Melatonin...works wonders for me. Good luck and feel better!
Thanks guys. I seem to be sleeping well enough, I've just been extra tired recently. Sekh, I will be trying to do that tomorrow after work; I have plans to make a raw raspberry cheeseless cake. Regardless, This weekend I'll be hanging out with my nephew at my brother's birthday party, so I have something to look forward to.
Update on the playoff situation:

Looks like my brother is going to let me use his slingbox to watch the Canucks games. Sometimes he surprises me with how nice he can be (we had a rough relationship growing up).
Thanks man. smile
So mad. The NHL playoffs are blacked out on game center. I've paid for game center because I don't have cable to watch the games. Why make people pay so much money and then not let them watch any of the playoffs? So now I have to go and pay for a cable package I'll only use for 2 months and only to use 2...
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OK. I've been vegan for a little over a year and a half, and vegetarian for about 15 years. I am obviously healthy (not always the case, but I am now). So, I'm kinda getting pissed off with all the negative attitudes people cop when they find out I'm vegan (formerly, when I was vegetarian).

The other day a co-worker, a guy who wants to...
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Hi all,
I wrote something a good while ago. I thought I'd share it where people may be more likely to see it. Let me know what you think.

What Has Become of Popular Music?

As I was out for my walk, listening to the extremely diverse play-list on my phone, I came to a disturbing realization. The quality of 'popular' music has declined over...
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