Band of horses i love you. coheed tomorrow night and circa survive. wtf LLLOOOVVVEEE
Thank you smile Enjoy Coheed!
i actually enjoy being free from clothes. i just did another selfie and im proud of this one. i edited it a bit and tried to show all my friends on here a part of me which is very real and comes from my peaceful place. The weather outside today is beautiful im happy to be alive and witness it all today is a day...
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thanks for the add and comment! <3 I love being naked all the time too, I wish people wouldn't be so ashamed or look at nudity as always a sexual thing. I feel very free and natural in my naked state wink

Sounds like you're in a good place right now, I'm happy for you! Your confidence and positivity is inspiring me to keep my head up as well, thank you smile
Agana your awesome. xo
can anyone shed any light on friend requesting? i friend request people and then go into send items and says confirm request or ignore. am i meant to confirm that or just leave that part? does anyone know what i mean? or am i just a crazy dude...
Hey man if you're replying to a comment, do it on their blog, or they won't see it (it was all built before Facebook, so it works pretty differently).

If you've sent someone a friend request, just leave it. If they accept it, they'll just show up on your friends list.
thank you
ps ive been naked a lot the last few days because ive had no one in my place. its kind of awesome being able to be free like that and even sleeping naked without thinking someone may come in and surprise you. ohhhh. ps on the gold coast today its sooooo nice and sunny.
i dont understand how to navigate this website and comments keep coming up saying i have some but they are the old ones its really bumming me out. im sad cause of it. gahhhhhhhhh...
Thank you i really like the sexual energy that it has placed within me.
I agree
the world sucks a bit right now. im so lonely and tired and i dont wanna go to work tomorrow. my neck feels fucked and goddam im drained. I am a bit angry and i dont know what to do right now. i want to have a shower and sleep naked but its all too much. my ex isnt being a nice person this makes...
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does anyone have the desire to do a naked selfie and put it on SG..... ohhh lonely weekend.....
gahhhhhh i keep doing things on sg that i dont mean to do like comment my own pictures and stuff like this. So i have some questions for people if they wish to answer?

1. How important is eating healthy?

2. Are g strings a no go zone for men?

3. Male Brazilian hot or not?

4. Most important thing about a person?

5 Most...
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I am here because i have a love for different people and beautiful girls. My name is William Fox im 28 a Gemini - trying to get fitter all the time. Life is cool and i appreciate being able to wake up every day and breathe. I am in a wheelchair with spina bifida but i really dont give a good goddam. LIFES TOO FUCKING...
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So fuck, i wrote this blog before my cuntbag of an internet dropped out. So a couple of things i want to share, im on here because recently i broke up with my fiance an i am heart broken but wanting to create better things for myself. and i really want to meet beautiful girls to chat with and build my confidence because i really dont know how to chat to women anymore.

I love the freedom of this site because i dont feel judged or anything like that. I think people are generally awesome at the core and i want to really connect with people in a sense i want to get to know them.

I am i a wheelchair but am very happy and greatfull for the way i physically look and i love the importance i place upon my health and physically the way i feel and how attractive i find myself. After all making love to yourself and loving yourself is so important. I want people on here to be interested in me and ask me questions. i want friendships and to possibly see you nude ha. much love... xo