Good God, I got a Prince Albert yesterday.

At least it was free? Quite the doozy for a first piercing though. Yipes!

I didn't renew my membership last opportunity. I think I've got to may or something.

yet utterly curious...
After that, though, getting anything else pierced probably doesn't seem as 'intimidating' or what-have-you.
Woo! Back again!

Long story short, my power supply crapped out on me in the same week that my MD player's headphone jack died on me. Fun times. I finally got my computer/internet up and running again, so everything's good again.

I took a trip! To phoenix no less! And a quick weekend in vegas to boot! Fun times. Met a pretty lady down there...
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Yay! I find it so cute how you always fall for women in the states after knowing them for such a short time. Haha tongue
I'm glad to see you back updating bok
My minidisc player's headphone jack crapped out on me today. Who wants to buy me a 60 gig iPod?
not me!

and i know you likely wont read this till you're over at my place again. wheee!
Weird...for some reason the site lost all my favoriute SGs, but kept everything else (including my favorutei sg pics).

Oh well, i guess this just means more trollin' for naked ladies!

EDIT: Goddamnit! Why can't my Suspiria soundtrack download faster?!? I need me some Goblin!
That happens when SG updates the web page .
mine did that too.. i was wondering why
It's my birthday party at the King's Head tonight, if any is interested in coming down and saying "Hi". Or "hello". Or even just a simple "Hey, what's up?".

So if you're in a mood for general revelry, then come on down and get your drink on!
Hey, happy belated birthday.
Hope you had fun!
Added a ton of new pictures!

This whole situation with the girl in New York has mostly blown over. Still havn't gotten a chance to actually talk to her, but I will eventually, so that's all I care about.

I saw Broken Social Scene last night, and although Kevin Drew is a huge douche and the band were having a lot of problems hearing themselves...
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eeek Eek! You're such a hottie - haha
I looked at your pictures, and my jaw dropped; it must have been the mutton chops wink
...22 in six days lucky you.
i got it form neil last night. he lent me a bunch of games. they will be the end of me.
Since saturday night, I've had this furious rage built up inside me, all sqaurely directed at one person. Well, two people, really. But one of them, it doesn't surprise me from. The other...well, let's just say I had expected better of her than to fuck a 'friend' of ours in the bathroom of a bar we were at, when we were "together" in a sense....
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You don't know me, but I'm on misskate's friend list. So I'm saying hi, Dale right? I'm Rikki - smile
Welcome to SG land.
Sorry to hear that this girl lied to you, No one deserves that. I hate people who cannot fess up to their mistakes. It's just so selfish, you know?
Don't mind at all biggrin
I'd love to chat more with you - I'm surprised you're up this early acually. Insomniac?
I'm about to head down to the Elephant & Castle to see Doug McLean put on a little show. Good times will be had by all.
Welcome to the site!
Howdy, y'all. I'm new to this part of town, so I figured I'd say what's up and whatnot.

Not much going down in my end. How about yours? Uh huh? Fascinating!

Anyways, I'm going to go see what this fair site has to offer. Please, feel free to add me if you wish. The more friends, the merrier, as I like to say.

Have a...
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Welcome to SG and enjoy your stay. smile