Parents are not supposed to bury their kids. It is just not right. Parents are supposed to grow old gracefully and then their kids who have grown up are supposed to take care of them. When Mom and Dad pass away happy in their roles as Grandma and Grandpa their kids are supposed to bury them. Parents should not have to suffer through the whole...
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Monday was supposed to be a fun day. My youngest son and I were scheduled to attend a week long parent/child camping trip which held the promise of lots of fun and adventures. We arrived at the departure area and boarded the bus for our long drive to the woods. It was a long and dusty drive along a bumpy dirt road made all the...
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I am so sorry for your loss *hug*
thank you for your loving
I have always walked to a different drummer. I have always gravitated to the weird, the oddball, the urbane, the introverted, the extroverted, the inverted, the overted, the strange and the socially unacceptable. I have taken the road less travelled, the hard way, and the road with many twists and turns instead of easy street and the easy way. I like a challenge and going...
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I love the water. I also love to vacation near the water. I have had many wonderful vacations along the Gulf Coast of the United States. My first visit to Pensacola and its white pristine beaches was awesome. The water was so refreshing and then to step on sand which was not hot was so amazing. It became one of my favorite vacation destinations in...
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A young child suffers repeated beatings from his father. A young wife is repeatedly called a whore, a slut, and a bitch by her husband. An elderly mother is repeatedly forced to go hungry by her adult son. A divorced mother of three is forced to weekly perform oral sex on her boss in order to keep her lousy clerical job. A puppy given as...
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Yesterday was the 4th of July which commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring the independence of the original thirteen colonies of the United States from Great Britain. The founding fathers such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, John Hancock, and Benjamin Franklin were in favor of independence from Great Britain but to King George and his government...
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thanks for the love
Hey!! thank you very much for the love on my set Sunday Vouyerist i really appreciate your support
My wife and I like to go exploring on the weekends, during the summer, and whenever we can get away for a couple hours at a time. This afternoon our sons were invited to a waterslide party with some friends which gave us a six hour window of open time. We eagerly took advantage of that opening and so after dropping the boys off at...
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Today was one of those cool days spent with the boys that hopefully they will remember fondly when they are old geezers and that I will definitely treasure forever. My wife and I want them to understand where we spend all our time supposedly working and so we have taken them to work with us. For my wife it is much easier as she is...
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Thanks--it was a great day. The boys were up early this morning and decided they like playing to working. I told them I felt the same way!
Thanks for the comment on my set smile
I am left handed and proud of it. We are a minority group who will never receive equality with our other handed majority as they have stacked the deck against us. In order to seek equality we have to ask for equal rights but we do not want that, we want equal lefts. The United States Constitution has a Bill of Rights but no Bill...
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thanks for the add!
Glad to have you as a friend.
You can call me crazy. You can call me weird. But you cannot call me on the weekends or in the evenings. I am not a cell phone person. It is not my best friend. I do not carry it with me 24/7. I have a love/hate relationship with my cell phone. I love the convenience of a cell phone but I hate the convenience...
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I have a voice and on occasion I am known to use it. I am not afraid to speak up or shout when there is something which I view as unjust, bad policy, or simply wrong. I will never be counted among those who do not give a damn, those who are apathetic, those who are too self-absorbed to care about anything or anyone except...
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I like your post. It made me smile and nod frequently.

I am glad that I could bring a smile to your face and that you liked my post.
I know this may sound crazy but I love to walk. I would rather walk then drive. I would rather walk then fly. I would rather walk then run. My neighbor drives to the fitness center which is less than five blocks away so he can run on a tread mill. I have asked him why he does not walk or run to the fitness...
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Cheers for your comment on my set smile Wish I had time to walk!
Walking is the best way!