It's so funny how we don't talk any more!
Yeah why is that?!

Thanks! smile All baby animals are adorable! Not possible to not love them tongue
Hi! Thank you! biggrin It's no problem smile But having no internet is weird. But aren't you more productive instead without the great timestealer called the internet? tongue
Finally has the internet! I no longer feel like I'm in a third world country!

Now - to start uploading photos of Milano so far!
Well, tomorrow I leave this Island behind and head for pastures new. I feel a mix of excitement and trepidation. I'm hoping to change certain parts of my life for the better and hoping the best parts remain. Let's see what the future holds.

Saying goodbye to friends was great fun, leaving family and seeing tears in their eyes will be hard frown
The house is packed up on and the way to Milano via Hamburg. My house is just an empty shell now, new tenants move in on Monday, however, I'll be living out of a suitcase for two weeks now till I get my apartment set up in Milano. I feel like a proper student again!
Oh cool stuffs =) I am such a bad innipki that I think I did nothing that weekend that I can remember. tongue

Have a good weekend yourself and enjoy living out of your suitcase and being a proper student in Milano! smile
One day until the international shippers come to pack up my life and move it to Milan!

I don't feel ready - at all! However, I was told I have to let them pack or it won't be covered by the insurance. The insurance itself was an odd thing...I had to go around and put a value on everything (from antiques to socks!)

The rhythm...
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Yeah I wouldn't expect either that a rugby player was flexible. tongue Flexy comes pretty fast when you train for it often. I take flex classes at this combat gym and it surprised me that most of the students are incredibly stiff. I always thought that everyone in that kind of sports trained well for their flexibility. But they just seem to think about getting big muscles. I don't get that, not that muscle tone is bad but i'm more fascinated with the crazy things that you can train your body to do smile

That's cool your friend played with him. I never heard of him before until I heard that song recently. I would love some recomendations if you find any.

Moving to Milan and having other people pack for you? I'd be so uncomfortable with that. (other people with my things) What you going to do there?
What are you going to study and teach if I may ask? smile I guess it's nice having the movers pack everything. I really hate packing and moving but it'd still be weird having other people do it for me tongue
Maybe I don't understand but did you have Icelandic movers to that weren't efficient?

That band is alright but just a little bit monotone for me, but nice though and relaxing.smile But I am pretty hard to please these days from exhaustion I guess. skull
I'm a morning person. I love the dew on the grass as I go for a walk, the way the fingers of the cold air scratch at my face, I think it's worth keeping my beard. I admire the perfectly presented retired man in his suit, out and about at 6.30 for no other reason than to get the paper (and because he still is...
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Haha! I was looking at it last night and I thought... hang on, I have a picture where I'm doing the same silly smile. smile

Everyone says she looks like me so you know... I take it as a compliment because she's beautiful. wink

And nah... I was determined that I wanted it, but I was looking a couple nights ago and the HTC's just looked so much better. tongue I'm waiting for it to be delivered as I speak. smile Hopefully it will come after the next 20 minutes or so though because my mum will be home then and I won't have to answer the door because I look TERRIBLE! hahaha.
I wish I was a morning person. It seems so nice. But I am just the opposite.

With the splits, it did kinda hurt holding it for so long while getting the photo taken but I'm working on it tongue Kickboxing people are flexy?! I did not know! And kudos for you for having been a flexy guy! smile

I am obsessed with that song these days hehe tongue Disappointed I couldn't find another song by Tom Vek that I liked as much as this one. I am so sick of my music and I'm not finding stuff lately that I really really like.
So some of my very close friends are throwing a bit of a shindig in my honour...I think that they're glad to get rid of me!

I don't know if they'll do any embarrassing shit! I hate being the centre of attention!
Now I know your not the shy type wink
Thank you. smile I've only been twice and I've already made a friend so I'm not doing too bad. wink And as for my lips... they aren't too bad I guess... tongue
Off to Milan tomorrow night to begin my apartment hunt. I'm in the process of selling half my life on eBay and Amazon. Sometimes a clear out is just what the doctor ordered!
I am excited for you because your my friend but I am also sad because your my friend and I will miss you frown booo to you being to far away for lunch frown