Adam Ant was great night out good way to end a great day.
Watching the clock closely as need to buy a darkness ticket as soon as they go on sale or I will be a dead manfrown
So looking forward to Sunday off to see the king of the wild frontier mr prince charming himself Adam Ant with my fantastic lady.
All the usual stuff re work etc.
The parrot don't like me frown
Be thankful jack does hurl beer bottles like the other bogans around my place lol
I have been very remiss in my lack of activity on here, where to begin with updates......
Had a really good weekend with my lady and daughter made some progress and they getting on well.
Have come down with a stupid cold which is stuffing me up as on all early starts this week so brain fried lol..
Sister came over for a visit with...
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Only stupid thing is he missed!!!
So far March is working out to be a tad annoying. So much happening.
Miss my lovely lady frown
Well February is done and dusted time to roll into march. Can't believe I hit 33 soon or more accurately 33 hits me lol. Got payrise at work which is cool shame it doesn't equate to much per week but pays for petrol I guess so can't really complain.
Looking forward to next week as got it off work so get to spend time with...
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Stfu about 33!!!!
Old fogie tongue
Beautiful lady?!??? Who you sticking it too you filthy filth fest?!!??
FUCK madmadmadmad
interesting times ahead

My you life in interesting times as well

Much peace love and gummies for all some more than others
Finally getting a pay-rise woop woop
having a fun few weeks not..
Not really got much more to say except feel like an arsehole as hurting the person i love
Not done one of these in a few weeks been a bit slack....sorry...lol
So whats been happening aside from working crazy hours and trying to have a life outside work not much.Half way through feb already time is just zipping by..
Gone back to 45 hr weeks finally but still no extra monies frown
Where the hell did January go feel like i'm missing a month somewhere..
Hopefully should be back to normal working week soon although doubtful at moment as so many casual staff grrrrr
Everything else seems to be going rather nicely i have a fantastic lady in my life biggrin
The bub is going through the terrible 3's stage at mo....doesn't like sharing....