Next week I'm getting a digi-cam. Followed shortly thereafter by pictures that suck less.
Digicams rock!
I get my first tattoo today smile

at 8:00pm.

Woo Hoo! Yipee! Other Joyous Exclamation! biggrin
Score! More to come?
Something neat happened at work today. I had brought RUTE to work today and was browsing it during my coffee break when a co-worker came up to me and asked me what distro I use.... Awesome! that makes a total of three people in Golden that are familiar with *nix. (as far as I know...)

Plus another guy I am going to loan my Slackware...
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I'm going grey for a while.

I'll be back once I have more money.

Going grey..that's unfortunate..hopefully you'll be back on soon..how's FreeBSD working for you...I've heard it's good from several people.
skull skull
I started installing FreeBSD on one of my compys the other day. It's going well so far.....

A short cut to "who" and "whom."

* Nominative: who
* Possessive: whose
* Objective: whom

The rule:


treat the "who-clause" as a mini-sentence.

If you could substitute "he" for the who-whom, it's a "who." If you could substitute "him" for the who-whom it's a "whom."

The trick is where ellipsis has occurred or where parentheticals have been inserted and the number of people...
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If I was stranded on a desert island and could only have one person, one book, and one record with me.

I'd probably die of exposure.
I need a website developer... A free one preferably.
My HTML knowledge is limited and pathetically obsolete.
I am no web developer... but I do host...

However! I was just reminded that I was going to comment on your last post, and being that youll see a comment here and most likely not on the past post, here it is.

The GPL'd music project is a pretty cool idea. A few friends of mine I know from freematrix radio, previously the freenode radio project, previously WOPN on freenode irc have a similar dealy going. Linky I figured you might be interested to know of their existence maybe have questions for them. Either way, good luck finding a good web developer!
thanks man , hopefully we can play out your way soon....
I'm trying to think of something new or interesting to update this journal with. Alas, I lead such a boring life at the moment that the only new or exciting thing that has happened to me is the arrival of my sisters X-mas present.

Das Keyboard!
Well, that's just not cricket! I'll go on the boards and crack some skulls if you'd like.

But many happy returns. 25 is an interesting one, it's all downhill from here...

But what a ride wink
Happy birthday man...you coming to calgary for new years?
skull skull