Just what was needed for the end of a long week, a massive family row.

To stay and fix it, as always. Or to just pack a bag and go, for good. I honestly wouldn't miss them, each and every one of them leans on me to help them and never returns the favour. It's sad to think your life would be better without family....
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I perfectly understand, I don't have contact with anyone from my mom's side...
I am officially bored! I have a couple of hours before bed and need something to do! Evan Almighty is on the TV, and it's terrible!

I should be doing painting research but I don't appear to be - funny that.

Looks like there might be a joint show happening in september with me and a fellow artist I studied with so that could be...
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I've been a busy boy of late, have a look through some recent work if you fancy...nudge nudge.

Wales is a very relaxing place, you forget living in the South east how much faster everything goes here. My life is a blizzard of work and work, with some more work thrown in. A couple of days down there just wandering on the cliff sides and breathing was so needed. It's a shame I didn't have more time to enjoy it but for now...
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Just time for a quick one before work:

Spent a little time down in Wales not sorting through 50 years worth of belongings. Made it down to Ferryside which was always a favourite of mine as a kid. And to Llansteffan Castle on the hills surrounding the bay. I will be going back to finish closing off the house in the next few weeks and...
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Wowsers! 700 miles, 2 days, one empty house. Possibly explains why I can't move and have wasted the day infront of the tv!

I was going to be in the studio tonight...I just don't think so! Paintings aren't going anywhere! Literally at this rate! :-)

And back home! Nothing like a mini break with an entire house to clear out to really relax!;
And back home! Nothing like a mini break with an entire house to clear out to really relax!;
Eastbound and Down Series 3 - The most energetic my evening is going to get! I can't move! Someone please come and feed me!

I am NOT Kenny fuckin' Powers!

I took some pictures down in Hastings recently, which as a town has seriously grown up from what I remember. Thoroughly recommend it for the UK'ers amongst you. Especially those who love a good junk...
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Audley is the worst fighter that had any promise in the last 30 years.

His fight against Haye was a blatant fix.

I still can't believe the UK public buys into his fights, it's fucking ridiculous.
Really cool photos smile

Cancel work and stay in bed? Who's with me!?

You know it makes sense.