I do enjoy this cover:

Well. It transpires I have buggered my shoulder up good and proper! Xray results came back and show a fair amount of damage to the joint which would explain the pain! So I will be going to see a nice physio for a while to see what can be done to reduce the inflammation in the tissue surrounding the knackered bone ends.


Anyone want...
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What the fuck did you do? Try baseball and start throwing in an abnormal motion mate?
Did you see io9's spoiler list for STID? I thought the were pretty spot-on.
and it actually happened. I have no doubt those were the exact things that two year old was saying.

I do seem to have the oddest interactions here. I just scared the shit out of some girl as she stepped out of the elevator, which brings the running total of people that I have unintentionally scared the shit out of into double digits in my apartment complex.
What a grey little day in England! Our summer time is offensive!

I can see the Channel from my house, every so often I think how simple it would be to get on a little boat, roll in to France and find a nice little farmhouse somewhere to fix up and live simply. Maybe there would be some sun, maybe I would have a dog....
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Our Winter is probably more pleasant than your Summer. And here I sit bitching that my toes are cold.

I have the same dream, except its about the Drakensberg, not France.
Well, this feels slightly repetitive. But yet again it is approaching bed time, somehow. I think I might just shot another coffee and see if it keeps me up a while.

Today was much like any other day, I worked...I worked some more and then I finished. Came back and finished cleaning the car - it's an odd job that I quite enjoy. I'm a...
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Another day has flown passed, somehow it's 7pm - time to cook. It's always time to do something, I'm really liking the idea of sodding off to an island for a month or so. I was hoping to get out to New York later this year if I get the time, but right now the idea of sitting in the sun and doing nothing is...
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Those pics are super cool. Wish I could find this kind of set for a future shoot ^^
hey hows it going?x
Good morning world!

I hope your day is a great success, and you aren't quite as sleepy as me!x
Is this still Canterbury?
thaanks kiss
Just got back from the Star Trek film, I wouldn't say I was impressed. Mainly because of the complete rehashing of scenes from the old ones. Can nobody just come up with a bloody new idea anymore?! All these big budget films are based on the Greek hero formula anyway, just at least change the names and try to make it new.
Thank your for your support and love on my new set!

btw, you're sexy!
I totally get you on the movie thing, I haven't seen anything that didn't seem like regurgitation in years. Movies aren't clever anymore. It saddens me a lot.

Hopefuls are incredible. I get added by them all the time, I never like their sets if they add me without messaging. Hope you are having a fantastic Sunday!