New H2O...

Is so good.

Go read some lyrics.

When it began, for those who don't know
it didn't matter how you looked or what you wore to a show
dress codes, FUCK NO! we didn't care
about the brand of your jeans and all that shit in your hair
Hey, Dr. Jones, no time for love.

Indiana Jones was amazing. Go see it.
So I'm attending my Uncle's funeral tomorrow. He's not much older then my Dad. Yeah.
Hi friends... I've come to find my love of baseball again. This past saturday I took my Dad to see the Yankees in Baltimore. We lost but had a great time. I feel like I got to makeup some of the time I never got to spend with my Dad when I was younger and he worked all the time.
I have plans to go...
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Went to see Doomsday last night.

Worst movie ever. if it wasn't for the gore.. I'd of stood up and walked out.
The following blog is a total ramble entry.. so be careful when reading it.

So as most know... horror movie are one of the few things I really enjoy in life. This being said... lately I have not been able to find anything that has been released recently that I truly enjoy. And after having a long conversation about this with my friend Chris I...
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I've really been enjoying the WOW forums on here.

Addicts unite.
Yay... it's my birthday... I'm now 30.

Happy birthday gorgeous!!!
your words don't match the story that your actions show, but what do i know?
i'm sure you can't help but remembering
I thought that you'd be one not to forget,
but remembering's not helping you yet.
say goodnight means goodbye.

your absence speaking everything you think of me
now that I am faced with opportunity
you're not remembering
I'm not asking you anyway
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Oh my God! I'm in a relationship again!! Who'd of thunk it?!?!