Would you rather have nobody know who you are, or have everybody know who you are, but think you're a fucking moron?
Noooooooo! No pictures. Fucking paparazzi. tongue

Well ... ice is easier to understand than GRAVY. whatever tongue
Well, if I was looking for a girl in CA ... biggrin
On a little vacation this week, the girl and I are in SoCal with my sister's family. Had to drive through some LA areas to drop off some catalogs for work (So I can expense the mileage), and it was 119 degrees according to the bank clock in Woodland Hills. That's just silly hot. That's pass out from heat stroke just walking through the parking...
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Tonight, it's nice and cool. I was kinda cold sitting outside at my cousin's house. Today was a beautiful day. tongue

Pulling up to the hotel on Friday, it was raining. As I passed the front of the hotel to park, I drove past a guy walking into the hotel. He glanced at the car, but I didn't pay any attention to him. Sprite said, "Did you see him?" I said I didn't. She said, "Well, he KNOWS you!" In my paranoia, I freaked. She kept asking me if I saw him and what exactly I saw. I told her I didn't really SEE him and I asked what he did ... what he looked like, etc. She asked what I saw. I said, "A guy, in a raincoat. I didn't see his face very well with the hood. HOW DOES HE KNOW ME?" (Do you know where this is going? Well, I didn't.) She said, "EXACTLY! He knows what you did last summer!" First Jason, now this. whatever
I'm heading back to the room now. I must plan how I can make her day tomorrow HELL. Maybe I'll just drive way out in the country, drop her off, and see if she finds her way back to the hotel. While she gone, I'll have the day to myself. wink
Friday evening.... Current temps (according to my new indoor/outdoor thermometer) Inside :93.2 F Oustide on my balcony: 103.2 F. Shannon's coming over so I just turned on the A/C. I'm sweating through my back like a water balloon with a hole in it....

Just talked to my bi-polar suicidal ex-wife on disability. She and her boyfriend are trying get pregnant.

well, at least the kid will grow up raised by a well rounded, sound minded, capable of parenting individual...

not to be rude towards your ex-wife, but that's not the type of person that should be reproducing... at least not at THIS point in her life. shouldn't she be more concerned with getting help and feeling better?

My ex girlfriend is bi-polar and sometimes falls into suicidal mindsets and it was an incredibly difficult thing to deal with so i totally know all about what you go through with your ex-wife. Whenever i hear news of my Ex-GF it always makes me go surreal as well. Like when she tried to kill herself a few days after i broke up with her, or when she got engaged 2 weeks after that to some dude she just met... or how she left him at the alter and is shacked up with some new guy... it's rough man.
How's Oakland? I used to live there. I miss it. Especially Koryo Sushi.
I need a haircut, a shower, 24 hours of uninterrupted sleep, a new job, a better apartment, and the magical ability to keep people I love from dying or getting sick.

Other than that I'm not a happy camper.

Profile pic changed because J. told me it made me look like a redneck. She needs less of those in her life as it is. kiss
Watch this.
Soooo, it crossed your mind that it may have crossed my mind that you were calling me special in a 'Not in a helmet wearing, short bus kind of way'. Soooo, you think that I might think that you might think I'm not reeeel brite. Why would I think that?! I'm not ENTIRELY DIM! I'm on to you, buuuud. tongue

Nah, I knew what you meant. biggrin
Okay, I did it...

My Papa's in the hospital, they're looking for where the cancer in his neck is coming from, and they've found "dark spots" on his lungs. I'm officially freaking out. To deal I went and bought a bottle of vodka at the grocery store to make myself a cocktail. I'm on my second right now, and who says you have to use...
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S? I just saw this. frown
You can't visit at all? Are you sure?
Where in NC is he? (sorry, i ask questions, i'm nosey, it's what i do)
and stop looking like a redneck. you're skeerin' me.
also, that thing in your mouth? i bet a big dog peed on it. a really really big dog. tongue
Ever hear someone say something so staggeringly stupid you can't even respond? All you can do is just stare at them in amazement....

"Friend": Most of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudis. We should be bombing the hell out of them!

Me: Well, actually, at least half a dozen of the people the FBI said were the hijackers, and put on that list, are alive...
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Thanks dude. the surgery's pretty nerve-racking. but i'll live.
by the way, commented on this blog entry twice already and hadn't actually read it yet. Now that i do (laughed hysterically by the way) i'm reminded of a similar experiance that pertains to our new Superman Returns Geek-Out relationship.

While exiting the theatre from my SECOND time viewing SR, the woman walking in front of me comments the following, rather loudly, to her spouse:

Woman: "I didn't like it. It was too fake."

My dad and i who were rewatching the flick together stop dead in our tracks, face each other, and then hang our heads in dissapointment. How could anybody be so stupid? "too fake"???!!! It's a movie about an alien who wears blue tights, his underwear on the outside, and can FLY! some people are just plain retarded.
On to happier news... Today is my girl's six month "birthday" for being sober! Two AA meetings a week are keeping her on track with lots of support from her friends and family. For the first time in a year, last weekend, she even told me it was okay if I had a pint when we were at a pub in Monterey with friends. We...
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na i dunno when it will air frown
Yeah, I was so sad when Wash got killed. Almost as sad as the ending of the Iron Giant
Today in Glendale, while waiting for a shipment truck to arrive, I received a gift. A girl walked down the sidewalk past my parked car, with two large dogs she was taking for a walk. Cute, and scantily dressed for the 80+ degree weather. Just then a businessman in a very nice suit approached the sidewalk, hurrying from the opposite side of the street. His...
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People watching is one of my guilty pleasure. At Disneyland last week, I saw this girl walking my direction, and all cool style she put on her sunglasses and one of the lens popped out. I dunno if that sounds funny but it was HILARIOUS to see it. biggrin