so, i forgot to mention that i totally got busted for looking at SG at work. the retarded thing is, i don't even look at the sets...only the groups. whatever. i have been "forbidden" from accessing the site. now everyone looks at me funny when they see me in the hall. i am the dirty girl who looks at naked ladies at work. i must...
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The only reason that I can think of is that maybe the address is incomplete or incorrect. The address should be something like:pics-thenewpope-54****@suicidegirls.com Have you tried sending a pic to someone's phone. Perhaps the phone is not sending the pics at all. I hope this helps. smile
Yeah the layoff doth sucketh that is for sure. But lounging around and not having to go to work while the sun is shining.. hehe.. that is simply grand. smile I know I can get a job my only concern is can I get one that pays me near what I was making so that I can still afford this house.

Not a lot of jobs in portland paying 92K like I was getting.... at least not in my field. I had negotiated that job quite well and was sitting tight on that nice salary as long as I could. smile
I don't want to work tomorrow. It is going to be a long week. I have so much on my mind right now. It might help to write it out, but I am not sure I have the energy.

My sister is supposed to come visit me next week. Kind of short notice. I said I'd pay for her ticket and I kind of forgot...
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Aw, thanks. I'm sorry things are off, I have those days too, I have a feeling this one will be actually. Good luck with work and your sister and everythig, things will get better. smile
Sorry you're having a rough time right now frown
So, I am really into listening to the 80's channel on Yahoo radio at work. I mean, I don't think I could get through the days with it. I love it, it makes me happy. I loooove 80's pop...I love it! I am listening to Wham! "Wake Me Up before You Go-Go" right now. YESSSSS. I have 3 days off again this weekend. That is...
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October is my favorite month, too, for many (and some obvious) reasons. I dressed up for Halloween last year, but after putting many hours of effort into my costume, I caught a cold and went home after wearing it out for an hour and a half. I don't know what's going on this year, since Halloween is our anniversary. I'll probably do some dressing up of the slutty kind. ;p I wanna hear your costume idea!

The name of the wine I was talking about is Liebfraumilch. It's cheap, but SO good. It tastes the way I always thought wine should. I'll have to give a Reisling a try one of these days.

"Take On Me" by Aha = best 80's song EVER.

Wow, I've had an exciting few days. I have been running all over the place. I can't even remember all the stuff we've done.

Some highlights....

The Baghdad Pub three days in a row for Terminator Chocolate shakes.
Lots of beers and fried food at Reel 'em Inn
Staying up past 3am
Strange series of prank calls made by non- Engilsh speaking wierdo (I actually...
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yay shitty in downtown

boo i miss you

frown so depressed

p.s. get on PUZZLE PIRATES !
Bloggity blog.

It is rainy an lovely here. I am wearing a hoodie. My dog had major diarreah on the bathroom floor tonight. I ate a vegitarian quesadilla for dinner. I wish I did not have to work tomorrow.
that'd be rad!

tell him it comes cheap if he wants it.
yeah! the whole point is those are tattoos that i really want to do, and therefore i'm giving discounts to anyone interested. maybe not like REALLY cheap, but considerably less than what i'd normally charge for it.

the rule is they have to let me play, and do it how i want. colorwise and such. but that's how tattoos come out the best.

and if they're fighting over it, then i'll draw two of 'em. ha! everyone wins.
FRIDAY! I love it.

It has been raining on and off for the past couple days. I missed this weather. I am going to get my hair done tomorrow...and then it is off to the Saturday Market. .
cute foot
he is very cute.

my dog. (the one who's still around) Darwin is at day care in America, waiting for me to come get him and bring him to the UK, which means I have to get there.

I have a crazy life, but it's ok. Never feels glamorous till other's point it out.
We test drove a 2007 GTI today. Oh lordy, it was beautiful. Bruce is thinking of trading in the truck. I love the truck...but, it seems that gas prices are never going down and the truck gets less than 20 mpg. So, I dunno. I sure do love that car, though.

I have to work tomorrow....boo. I am taking some days off at the end...
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What would Sigmund Freud say about the recognition of all those weenie dogs???
My job is so insane right now. I can't even begin to describe the pain that is causes me on a daily basis.

My sister just told me that our 12 year old yellow lab, Molly, was found shot to death in the alley behind thier house today. My little brother found her. People are entirely too fucked up for words.
Yes the fight was not good and the underlying issue is not resolved... so the fight is lingering. Sigh...

it may be the beginning of the end. It makes me sad.
People are fucked up beyond belief. It's definitely sad but the motherfucker who shot Molly is going to have Karma bite him in the ass. it's inevitable.

I'd definitely love to say "Fuck my morals" but I can't. If anything does come out of this besides her being a kickass friend at least I won't be upset that I didn't go about it the right way.

Oh well, time will sort everything out. smile
It is after 1am and I can't sleep. So far, I have wasted my weekend. I always think I am going to do stuff, but I never do. I wind up on the couch watching TV. I'm lazy. I wish I could get my laszy ass to get up and do something once in a while. I have a bunch of laundry and other stuff...
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*raises a hand in the air* Preach it, sistah!
Well you're older than me and I'm starting to feel the same way...so if it make you feel old think how it makes me feel." P
3 day vacation. I love it. I just wish the weather was going to be cold instead of the 95 degrees they keep talking about on the news. Boooo. I am so ready for Fall. But, in 2 months I will probably be whining about how cold I am.

I need to get away.
Fall.... does that dome some time brtween hot summer and cool summer?