Yesterday I had my annual zombie dream, but with a twist. Instead of the usual walking outside, see the horde and running and then waking in a sweat, it was war. We were outside my grocery store which is a huge warehouse type building. The zombies would jump the fences and run up the narrow alleys on the sides so they were easily taken care...
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I had a dream today.

I was sitting in a talk show; nothing big, it was done in the host's home: big open space with desks covered with props and stuff. The walls were a medium blue. I don't know if I was a guest or just part of the peanut gallery but I was enjoying myself regardless.

I was sitting next to a girl,...
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wow tongue

Sorry Conan, Steve Allan is still the best
I have electricity again! I have a new iPod that I hold in higher regard than most people I know! Sad, yes and I don't care. Doing a lot of research on Canada today for some reason...

Four hours later......

I have discovered the recipe for chicken Alfredo for one. I am a genius.....with internet access.

ugh I'm fat and I just bought t-shirts--Venture Bros. t-shirts-- that now make me feel fatter. I need to join a flippin gym but the dentist has the money I need to join the Y. When did the YMCA membership get so damn expensive; $51/month from what should be the cheapest place to get un-fat. It'll probably be mid-September before I have the money, but...
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Sweet Jesus, how the hell could this place still look shitty after 2 hours of cleaning! I guess a isolated the sprawl from everywhere to certain areas(?). Now a need a snack and a nap.

I'm listening to Franks Wild Years, the Tom Waits album between Rain Dogs and Bone Machine. It's technically good (the best kind of good) but you can hear the extermination, desperation and the anxiety to follow up on such a good album and the makings of what would later become an album for a generation--something so good that even a Black audience was thought it...
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Happy Sunday, everyone