i love it already!wink
Sorry I haven't been active! My laptop seemed to hate SG and every other website for sometime and wouldn't let me log in =[ but I am now back! Woo. And I have a new set to upload smile well maybe two it depends I have over a thousand pics to sift through!
So sorry to everyone who sent me a message or commented etc but...
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woo I am officially halfway through my chick flick marathon.

Clueless, legally blonde, a cinderella story and labour pains..can't beat a night in with cider, chocolate and some badly but somehow still good movies smile


Cider is good. Can't possibly comment on your movie choices though. wink
sorry it has been forever since posting a new blog, but I have been avidly looking for items to sell on ebay, as well as sorting out a little resting place for my darling kitten Asbo who sadly had to be put down frown

It's been hard, the past few days, I think I've cried a fair few times, I hate seeing an animal I love...
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Sorry to hear that. Those are really sweet pics.
Wishing you well right now.
a set every night thats alot of sets LOL
Your Welcome
liking the ideas smile
that sony advert is awesome i wish i was in that street when it happened :p Good Times
unlucky with your set im sure your have better luck next time smile if it was me in charge yu would be pink already smilex
ugh dont you just hate it when people put stupid statuses on social networking sites about you? some so called mates. its pathetic and really it doesn't show anyone your even cool. =/ stop calling people horrible names. it comes back on to you.
A few of my favourite things I thought I would post tonight smile so alot of blapping =] but hey you guys get to know a bit about mesmile

Well my first love has and always will be my family of course and my friends smile They all mean the world to me and I wouldn't swap them for anything..

Gummy bears is the next! they are...
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