Times a ticking.... soon I will be 1600 miles more north of this God-forsaken town. I can't wait! biggrin
Can't think...
Brain tired....
60 hours+ a week blows shocked
It will work your constitution with all those hours...make sure you get your beauty sleep!
Is wanting to be a stripper so wrong?
I ask you- is it? confused
Does it really make a difference what a person does to support themselves? My personal feelings are that it does not. You can make so much money dancing if you get the right place. have some common sense and keep your personal demons under control (if you have any). There are some nice places to work around there, some dumps also. Check them out for yourself. Sounds like someone has given you the wrong impression about the woman in that profession. Best of luck. smile
No...my girlfriend works at one!
Today is the first day of the great job hunt. If all goes well, I'll never have to carry a tray of fajitas again! That would be a dream come true.
Not that carry drinks to drunk guys is any better, but if I can just be able to come home and not smell like burnt oil and muchrooms, that would be a total step...
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Hope the hunt goes well. That is one way that Orlando sucks!
Just back from Pennsylvania.
The verdict: I am so moving!


P.S. Happy New Years! kiss
Today we have the Peasant's Feast- a celebration/feast for all us youngsters away from our families (and without the financial means to get home to them) held between Thanksgiving and Christmas! We all gather together and celebtate with turkey, wine, and a whatever addition craziness that ensues. The Orlando economy has kept us trapped and away from our families, but at least we can still...
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So I'm getting hooked on the Sims 2.
But I'm alright with that. tongue
'Tis the season of giving!
Apparently, no one informed the Disney tourists who dine out about this little snippit of information. Only $30 in tips from a lunch shift? Around these parts, we refer to that as "total bullshit"!
I need a new job. skull
Chili's puke
is it the one on i-drive?
Another day, another wasted night.
For such a big "city", there sure isn't a whole lot to do in Orlando.
Oh, well.
Guess I'll just have to go to work.
Damn. whatever
Welcome to SGFL.
Oh why can't we all just get along?
It occurs to me that I could have the greatest parties in Orlando...... if half my friends didn't loathe the other half.
I'd say it'd be alright if we all just kept our pants on- but where's the fun in that? confused
it is my opinion that the solution to this problem is joining the sgfl group and coming to our parties. we do it like it is going out of style.

ARRR!!! skull
I never know what to write on these things... skull
ha ha, Just speak your fuckin Mind!
me neither...it always seems like the only time i write is to bitch about something