Finally the weekend, TIME TO GET SHITTY DRUNK!!!!!!!!!! They actually gave us some time off.
I want to get shitty drunk too. You sir, have inspired me!
Well lets start of with FUCK, I'm having a lame ass week. starting with working 12 hour shifts for the next 14 days with no breaks at all. I work better shifts in Iraq. And now this mother fucker wants to tell me I cant drink on my time off and we get no weekends. Then on top of that my BF tells me she...
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Another hot humid day in ga. Nivoldoog got his hookah in the mail today. It was nice to smoke the ol hookah again.
Going into surgery today, couldnt eat or drink anything since last night. So thirsty!!!!
So a bookshelf started a very intence fight with my hand over the weekend. damn thing fell right on it, so now i have this huge swollen hand that is completely bruzed. Its pretty awesome, still waiting on the x-ray results.
sucks frown
I'm finally suppose to get my car back tomorrow. This past weekend was awesome, went to the St. Patty's fest in Savannah, ga. we were the number 4 biggest one in the world this year. It was a blast, got shitty drunk with my huge green sun glasses on.
Got my SG Beauty Redifined in the mail.. Its bad ass, everyone should get one.
Heading to bed, I'm taking a week of vacation this week. Finally get to relax. Then next weekend, the St. Patty's day festival in Savannah.
Another great day, I'm pretty sure I have the winning to the mega millions. I'm glad too, I had to go see my wrecked car today. It was horrible, I almost went to the bar instead of going back to work!
SSSSOOO tired, this working out twice a day thine to get back in shape is draining all my energy.
So yesterday some lady decided to take off the front end of my car, AAAAAHHHHHHHH. 5400 in damage!!!
Whoa Whoa WHOA! Come on man, full details...
I found a bar called group therapy. I'm stoked, now I can tell people I'm going to get help at group therapy and I wont be lying.