Life restarted!

I've just moved into a house in the Rosemont area of Sacramento. After 6 years in Chico, it was time to get the hell out of town. So, now I'm here after having been accepted to Sacramento State in the Photography program. I'm really quite excited about it.

I live with a guy that was my first roomate in college, and another guy...
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Pride of Baghdad? Done. What are you doing? I got a flat tire half an hour ago and almost ran out of gas. AND yesterday I had to cancel my gift exchange thing with my friends so I would make it to sushi, then I had to cancel sushi because they wanted to do it later than I could go. Then I had to have a crappy day at work that started at 6am. This is why I don't leave the house.. blush

I use "then" waaay too much.

over before it began, you say? i did not know you were in a rush!
You received a virtual Christmas prezzie from me! Check my blog here to see what you received!

HL kiss
Hey there, are you going to the sg sac gift exchange?
Hmm now what...

Well, insurance man came though and hooked it up for the stolen goods (yay), which replaced my camera and computer. The only things I really lost were some good pictures and all my homework for the year, which spurred the prompt purchace of a .Mac account.

Everything is backed up now.

I hope whoever stole it turns in one of my essays...
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jeez i'm full of bad luck these days.

my apartment got burgled once again. i have no idea how these guys got in, there was nothing broken or jimmied that i could tell.

they stole my laptop again. this time they nabbed my digital camera, and my roomate's as well.

at least i had renters insurance this time around, though it remains to be seen...
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goddamn man frown

i hope your luck is improving and that hte insurance worked out for you.
Boss is boss. blush

In other news, that's horrible! I realize it was over a month ago -- did everything work out? frown
Notes taken during GE anthropology on Friday.

This class makes me want to punch myself in the face. I understand that it is an extremely low-level GE course, but that most certainly should not turn it into a seventh grade writing comp class.

I'm in college. Do I really need a handout on how to write a five-paragraph essay?

The answer, in case you wondered,...
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Hey you! How is the pottery going? You should post some pics of your creations.

So, how have you been? smile
oh yes, its that time of year again.

school starts tomorrow morning, so i went across the street to walgreens to buy all the fun stuff one needs to succeed, namely, a clicky pencil and 4 big-ass notebooks. i take lots of notes.

i'm not super happy about nine am classes, but what are ya gonna do.

anyhow, i hope my classes don't suck too...
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good luck man. good luck!
Good luck!!! So how are your classes going? Your courses sound interesting. Blah to morning classes though... tongue
somebody at work the other day saw my back piece and asked me if i was 'spiritual'.

i told her that i was raised catholic, which pretty much destroyed my faith in organized religion.

got me thinking though. about what people consider symbols of spirituality. i never considered my piece to be particularly spiritual, spirituality has nothing to do with why i have it.

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Every person I know who was raised Catholic has turned away from organized religion completely. They're especially vocal about it if they went to Catholic school. I think Catholic art and imagery is some of the most beautiful. I've given a lot of thought to getting some Catholic or Christian tattoos even though I don't believe in any of it and was raised with no religion.
I think all religions are ... bullshit.

i've been spending entirely too much time playing everquest 2. its fun tho.

my toon is the second ranked swashbuckler on the new pvp server, which is awesome because i yell things like 'yarrrrr' and 'show me yer booty' all day whilst i kill people.

i haven't really got anything else to do except work, until school starts that is. then i'll have to study...
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hehe eh as long as it is fun

HAHA fun. and fun some more hehe. i love that man.


good luck with work school etc.

also kick some more ass biggrin

ugh. retartedly long plane ride eta: tomorrow at 11am.

i hate planes. they scare the bejeezus out of me. i really don't belong on a plane for like 12 hours or however long it takes, i hope this vallium works otherwise i'm gonna be screwed.

more fun-ly, at the end of said ordeal i'll be in germany, with my sister, hangin out. i'm pretty excited....
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Lol...sure thing! I hope that you have a good flight! smile
Lots of well wishes for your trip. I'm with you on the flying thing, but I've heard that Europe is well worth it.

I always bring sleepy music, I sleep through my flights, no matter what. Jet lag be damned, I can't stand the flying. smile