From vimas


Hey, Shamandalie, having a good time? I hope so. I found you on Instagram and then I came here to Suicide Girls because of you. Your beauty is a fairylike, transcendent art form. But looks like you are not uploading new stuff here at Suicide Girls very frequently. This makes me a little sad :c Where do I need to go to see more of your work?

From vehera


Waiting for a new set to comment on bruh <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-13664" alt="8Aw7I" src="" width="330" height="272">


From azazel


Merci pour ton commentaire ma belle! Je suis d'accord avec toi on marche bien ensemble vivi et moi 

you're goddamn right

From mrteeter


Oh look at me, I'm Shamandalie and I'm so friggin adorable in every picture and can pull off any outfit and hair colour!

From penny


Hi Gorgeous! I wanted to say thank you for taking the time to comment and show support on my set it means a lot to me. You are one of my favorite SGs!! It was definitely a "Senpai noticed me!" type moment for me! Thank you very much I really appreciate it! 💕💕💕

aww you're welcome babe!

From hickshr


You are just such a beautiful woman:. Have to say you have a ton of killer pictures and your sets are all awesome 

From channy


Thank you for commenting on my set <3 Im actually speechless! You're one my favourite SG's and to have you and another of my favourites comment on my set has made my day incredible! So thank you, It honesty means the world to me <3

aww you're welcome! ❤️