I'm not fond of ranting on my blogs and I hate to put negative energy out there, but I feel I need to get this out of my system.

I mentioned on here before that I'm leaving my job, still working here until the end of the year, but in transition mode. It's less than ideal, but that's ok. And there are trying moments, but...
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Well, it IS EXCITING! This is just the beginning of a HUGE FUTURE!
You are all welcome for this in advance. kiss

My favorite part is the pushups, followed by situps.

Oh, the 80s.

If I walked in on my fella working out to that...I'd think things...skeptical things...

that is amazing!!!! tongue
So, I'm leaving my job in just over a month. My boss knows, in fact, she is the one who turned down my proposal to continue my role in the company but more efficiently and focused. We agreed I stay on until before the holidays. And now, it's weird.

I was really hoping it wouldn't come to this. But it's truly sad that my boss...
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Dont me to barge in, but I sort of went through the same thing before I got laid off from my job, except I didnt get any warning whatsoever by my employer.

If it starts to get unbearable I would say try and talk to her. Many times relationships of all kinds fail or become antagonistic due to a breakdown in communication.

If she doesnt want to talk to you I would talk with the HR department and explain to them whats going on and see if they can sit down with both of you and mediate while you talk things through.

If thats seems like too much trouble you can always just keep your head down as best as you can and grind away till you leave, lol.

Agian, sorry to just barge in with this unsolicited advice. Have fun in Barcelona.
@Sallen- thank you!
It's a small company, so I'm actually HR. smile
Today was better, not as extreme, so I'm hoping me continuing to be nice and all helps and she comes around. You're right, if it doesn't get better, just grind away! And keep Barcelona in mind to get me through. smile
Thanks for your advice.
For once in the recent past weeks I am up and not dragging and have energy enough to write run on sentences like this one!

And yet, I am procrastinating. Not intentionally, or, at least it didn't start out that way. Admittedly, me writing this is a procrastination, ha. But I swear, prior to this I was actually doing stuff, a couple minutes behind my...
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Wow, that's a beautiful piece! It's so vivid. Good luck on your articles!!

p.s. you're probably right! SG can find those that hate the site in a faster more efficient way, hehehe.
blush thanks love!!
So, in relation to last night, but client who I never met up with and instead waited around for texted and explained their phone was dead last night. I responded "No worries. Have a safe drive." I really meant it. And they responded with an apology.

I was pretty touched by that. Yes, I wanted them to understand that it was annoying and I could've...
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Cheers to making peace with something. Such a wonderful feeling and is something I need to be more conscious of doing myself.
Definitely cheers! And I didn't even think of it as making peace. . . thanks for adding that to my consciousness. smile
Today was full of nothing going as planned.

I had a date, one I had a good feeling about and was excited for, and that was a no from the moment we met up. Not only was I late, which I don't habitually do, but where we went was off, I found he is the polite police to everybody in the public, and I just...
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you have good days, you have bad days.

there's alway something good in there though. always.
It's fantastic when you can sleep in. And wake up without a rush.

That's when your dreams stay with you. . .

A wonderful weekend to you all!!!
yes, it is fantastic
Hey y'all,

I am currently in an in-between moment where I am ready to do stuff, but not quite as I'm not fully ready to work it all out. I just got home, and would honestly rather lay down, watch some shows, go to sleep, but I have articles to write and a website to finish and things that didn't even make it to my...
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So, I completely fell asleep on the subway ride home in the matter of oh, about 37 seconds. I am completely wiped out. I have stuff to respond to, people to get in touch with, work to do, and I am wiped out.

However, I am not sleeping as MY FIRST SET IS IN MEMBER REVIEW! I'm so excited. I know it doesn't mean anything...
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Gutsy! And good luck on your set that I cant find lol
haha, sorry, it's in MR, but not viewable until January! I will keep you posted, so stay tuned. smile